Engagement Platforms and Research Centres

Working alongside the five Research Programs, each Engagement Platform offers avenues for engagement with partners for Institute staff and students. They support the University’s Sustainability Development Goals in direct and practical ways: building capacities for income and employment; moving to renewable energy sources; combating misinformation; and championing sustainable urban change.

Though far from the only channels through which ICS works with partners, the Platforms supply a concentrated means for collaborating on contract research, grants, and scholarships. Led by experienced researchers, they also offer opportunities to develop skills for HDRs and ECRs to engage with the community and industry. Through the Engagement Committee and each of the platform leaders, we welcome opportunities to develop these streams of engaged research with you

  • Circles of Sustainability - how can we rethink questions of sustainability in such a way that enables positive, practical and integrated change in cities, communities and organisations? Access information about Circles of Sustainability.
  • Community Economies - what is enabled when the economy is represented as a heterogeneous series of lived practices — as opposed to a singularly capitalist, space? Access information about Community Economies.
  • SISTER-Hub - bringing together regional New South Wales university engagements into a unique program that seeks to reimagine and enable post-industrial life with local communities and councils. Access information about SISTER-Hub.
  • Platform for Civic Media Literacy: initiatives in this platform aim to tackle challenges that are entangled with digital media and information infrastructures and business models including misinformation, digital exclusion, media bias and political polarisation. Access information about Platform for Civic Media Literacy.

Research Centre

  • Young and Resilient Research Centre - How can children and young people’s technology practices be used to support their wellbeing? Access information about the Young and Resilient Research Centre.
  • The Urban Transformations Research Centre (UTRC) addresses one of the greatest challenges facing humankind: making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (UN SDG11). Learn more about the Urban Transformations Research Centre (UTRC)