Taylor & Francis Automated KBART eBook Entitlements


Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (KBART) is a NISO standard used by Libraries to manage Book and Journal entitlements and to ensure links from the library catalogue are maintained and correctly link out to the publisher and hosts of the content. KBART also contributes towards discovery of content.

All of Taylor & Francis' available products' metadata exist in external Knowledge Bases, which are maintained by providers such as ExLibris and Ebsco. Traditionally eResources Managers and Librarians have selected their entitlements for updating their LMS and link resolvers with little or no automation.

Taylor & Francis been working with a growing number of Library Management Services (LMS) to provide automation of our mutual customer entitlements/holdings so they can be claimed and added as links for libraries in an automated way. For customers who opt-in, we can trigger automated updates via an API. This would be based on individual library entitlements on a weekly basis, maintaining the necessary accuracy and improving update speed.

Obtaining Taylor & Francis Institutional Token

The Taylor & Francis librarian dashboard allows you to generate access token /CRN that LMS providers can use to retrieve the institutional KBART holdings report.

Note: Access token is referred as CRN(Customer Reference Number) in Taylor & Francis Librarian dashboard.

Steps to obtain institutional token:

Step-1: Log on to the https://www.taylorfrancis.com website as a librarian.

login screen

Step-2: Open the librarian dashboard through user profile.


Step-3: Click on MARC and KBART tab from the left navigational panel.

Generate CRN Screen

Step-4: Click on 'GENERATE CRN' button to generate the CRN, if not previously generated.

Screen after CRN generation

Step-5: Select your LMS providers from the list and click on 'GRANT PERMISSION' / 'UPDATE PERMISSION' button.

Screen after selecting vendor

Step-6: Mail is triggered to corresponding librarian with the CRN.

Screen shot after mail is triggered