Empowering educators
to boost
student engagement
and retention

Student Engagement Analytics Platform for Higher Education

StREAM provides powerful engagement insight to pinpoint students at risk and support student retention, attainment and wellbeing initiatives.

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In an increasingly diverse and digital learning environment understanding engagement helps
every student to reach their full potential

Solutionpath provides a unique approach to understanding student engagement across all aspects of academic learning

Actionable insights in one place to ensure every
student can reach their full potential

Our student engagement platform StREAM uses learning analytics to give you a holistic picture of each student’s engagement to easily identify risk to progression and provide proactive support.

Widening Participation
International Support

Seamlessly understand student engagement

Gain a panoramic view of each student’s academic engagement with StREAM, the only learning analytics platform to codify student engagement based on educationally purposeful activity.


Our integrated platform empowers you with the right insights to understand your learners, identify students in need and proactively provide the right support, so every student can reach their full potential.

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Identify at-risk students
in real-time

Boost retention and successful student outcomes by taking meaningful actions based on the right data. With precision, StREAM’s predictive algorithm has been proven to identify at-risk students, so you can implement timely and targeted interventions for students most in need of support.


Streamline your retention efforts and foster a supportive learning environment where every student can thrive.

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Get upstream of a crisis

Create a campus where every student feels seen, heard, and supported.


Early-intervention plays a pivotal role in supporting student mental health and wellbeing. StREAM is designed to identify at-risk students in real-time, empowering educators with individual insights for each student, so you can provide personalised support when it’s needed most.

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Empower every student to succeed

Evidence and evaluate your access and participation progress with StREAM.


Every student is unique, which is why StREAM goes beyond traditional metrics, to provide a holistic view of engagement for each student, that focuses on what they do, so you can better understand how to tailor support and foster a community where every student thrives, no matter their background.

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Nurture your international community

International students enrich academic environments and contribute to a thriving culturally diverse campus, and are more supportive of using learning analytics.


StREAM supports custom UKVI filters, and uses robust tools and insights to simplify monitoring and reporting on international student engagement, helping keep you effortlessly on the right side of compliance.

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Solutionpath Desktop

“I’m convinced that the data we will derive from Solutionpath’s StREAM system will help us to tailor our curriculum model, learning, teaching and assessment to ensure they’re inclusive and appropriate for all of our students, in line with our strategy to support all of our students to achieve their educational goals.”

Professor Neil Morris, Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor

“We are now, more than ever, relying on understanding how our students are engaging remotely and being able to put timely support in place for those who are beginning to struggle. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our use of StREAM has been invaluable in ensuring that we can continue to support our students whilst they learn off-campus. It would have been impossible for us to do this as effectively without StREAM and their flexible and supportive team”

Dr Jonathan Eaton – Academic Registrar

"StREAM has proved invaluable through our response to Covid19. It has enabled us to track student engagement with our digital learning and resources and to reach out to those who seem to be struggling with the move to online learning. We know we will use it more next year as we continue to adapt our delivery."

Jo Midgley – Registrar & Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student

"Our strong student support offer continues, including the use of analytics from our award-winning Student Dashboard to help each and every student see their progress and keep on track."

Professor Edward Peck – Vice Chancellor

"StREAM is a really good way of identifying issues early, having conversations early, implementing support early, to enable students to stay on their programmes."

Fiona Barchard - Senior Lecturer, Adult Nursing
University of Essex

"Through interventions based on StREAM data, there has been a continued reduction in the number of students withdrawing by the end of the academic year where they previously averaged very low engagement at week six of the Autumn term. In 2018-19, 88% of these students had withdrawn by the end of the academic year. In 2021-22, this had reduced to approximately 20%."

Richard Stock - Academic Registrar
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