Freelancer Registration

Welcome! We're glad you're here.
We love matching talented freelance professionals, like you, to our clients' jobs.

What makes ResultsResourcing different from other freelance platforms? We have humans who help!
Our clients get the heart and hands of real people who find, interview and vet freelancers. In addition, we use an efficient technology platform that matches you to the jobs that best suit your skills and talents, based on what you have in your profile. It's that simple!

Our process benefits you too! We offer jobs with clients who have committed to a clear scope of work, without you having to find them. The platform will show you jobs you've matched. All you have to do is propose to be considered. In addition to proposing, we'll also ask you to complete our talent survey. The more you tell us about your skills, the higher you'll rank in our job matching algorithms.

To Get Started:
1. Select the category below that best fits your skill set and click to submit.
2. Then, see what jobs you match and register to propose today!
3. Remember to also complete our talent survey so our clients can know more about you and your skills!