7 Key Trends to Watch out for in the Solar Panel Industry in 2023

7 Key Trends to Watch out for in the Solar Panel Industry in 2023

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Component cost declines
  • Local manufacturing
  • Energy storage
  • New materials
  • Grid integration
  • Decentralization
  • Increased adoption
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


The demand for renewable energy has been increasing as the world seeks to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and curb climate change. With our net-zero target, thankfully, it is no wonder that the industry is gaining in popularity. In fact, the solar panel industry is a crucial player in this shift towards renewable energy and it seems to not be declining in the years to come. Let’s have a look at the 7 key trends that will shape the solar panel industry in 2023!

Component cost declines - in other words, reduced prices in parts needed to produce solar panels

The first key trend in the solar panel industry in 2023 will be the continued decline in the cost of components required for solar panel installations, such as solar cells and inverters. This is due to advances in technology, increased manufacturing efficiency, and economies of scale. Not only does it make it cheaper for companies to produce, but also more affordable for consumers and B2B clients to buy. 

Advances in technology have made it possible to manufacture solar cells and inverters at a lower cost. Manufacturers have also become more efficient in their production processes, allowing them to produce solar panels more quickly and with less waste. What’s more, economies of scale have made it more cost-effective to produce solar panels in larger quantities. All three play an important role in reducing the price of solar panels.

Local manufacturing

Another trend that is expected to continue in 2023 is the shift towards local manufacturing of solar panels. This is partly driven by the desire to reduce shipping costs and carbon emissions (obviously), and partly due to government incentives for local production such as tax breaks and subsidies.

Energy storage

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The use of batteries is expected to increase in 2023

The use of energy storage systems, such as batteries, in conjunction with solar panels is expected to increase in 2023. This is driven by the need to address inconsistency issues with solar power and to provide backup power in case of outages.

As solar power is not always available, such as during cloudy or nighttime hours, it is important that energy storage systems can store excess solar energy during peak hours and provide backup power during times when solar power is not available.

New materials

Research and development in new materials for solar panels, such as perovskites, is expected to continue in 2023. These materials have the potential to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

If you’ve never heard of the word, Perovskites are a type of material that has been shown to be highly efficient at converting sunlight into electricity. Perovskite was discovered in Russia in the 1800s and is special because it has the potential to be less expensive than current materials used in solar panels.

Grid integration

Grid integration of solar power is expected to become more sophisticated in 2023, with the use of smart inverters and other technologies to manage power flows and ensure grid stability.

Smart inverters can manage the flow of electricity between the solar panels and the grid, ensuring that excess electricity is not fed back into the grid and causing instability. Other technologies, such as advanced sensors, can also be used to monitor the performance of solar panels and ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency.


The trend towards decentralized power generation, where individuals and businesses generate their own power using solar panels, is expected to continue in 2023. This trend has been gaining momentum in recent years, driven by the desire for energy independence and the availability of affordable solar panel systems (yay). Decentralization is particularly attractive to those living in rural areas, where traditional power infrastructure may be limited or non-existent.

Solar panel systems can be installed on homes, businesses, and other buildings, allowing them to generate their own power and reduce their reliance on the grid. This is perfect for those who wish to “go off the grid.” In some cases, excess power generated by these systems can be sold back to the grid, creating a new revenue stream for owners which could be categorised as passive income. The use of battery storage systems can also enable individuals and businesses to store excess energy generated during the day for use during times of peak demand or when the sun is not smiling at us.

Increased adoption

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More consumers and customers (B2B & B2C) are expected to start using solar powered electricity in 2023

The global adoption of solar power is expected to continue to grow in 2023, with many countries setting ambitious targets for renewable energy generation. This trend is driven by the need to address climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, as well as reach the global target of net-zero. The reason being that solar power is becoming increasingly affordable and accessible, making it an attractive option for both residential and commercial use.

In addition to individual and business adoption, large-scale solar projects are also being developed around the world. These projects can generate large amounts of clean energy that can be distributed to communities and businesses through the grid. Many of these projects are being developed in regions with abundant solar resources, such as deserts and sunny coastal areas. Although increasing the use of solar panels is a good thing, it’s worth noting that having such large solar farms can lead to indirect negative consequences towards the environment, but this is a totally new article all together.


It looks like the solar panel industry is fated for continued growth and innovation in 2023! Advances in technology, declining costs, and a growing global demand for renewable energy are driving the industry forward.

Key trends to watch in 2023 include component cost declines, local manufacturing, energy storage, new materials, grid integration, decentralization, and increased adoption. As the world continues to move towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy future, solar power is likely to play an increasingly important role.


How do solar panels work?

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through the use of photovoltaic (PV) cells. When sunlight hits these cells, it causes electrons to move, generating a flow of electricity.

How long do solar panels last?

Most solar panels come with a warranty of 25 years or more, but they can last much longer with proper maintenance. Some panels have been known to last for 40 years or more.

Are solar panels expensive?

The cost of solar panels has decreased significantly in recent years, making them more affordable for homeowners and businesses. In many cases, the long-term savings on electricity bills can offset the upfront cost of installation.

What is net metering?

Net metering is a system that allows owners of solar panel systems to sell excess energy generated by their system back to the grid, offsetting their electricity bill.

How much energy can a solar panel system generate?

The amount of energy a solar panel system can generate depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the system, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the efficiency of the panels. On average, a 5-kilowatt system can generate around 7,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, enough to power a typical home.


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