Welcome to the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation's Nonprofit Portal

Existing Users: Please enter your credentials and log in. If you forgot your password, please use the "Forgot your Password?" link to the left to reset your password.

Previous Nonprofit Portal Users (Prior to 11/1/23): Please use the "Forgot your Password?" link to the left to reset your password.

New Organizations: Please click on "Create New Account" to complete the registration process and create your logon credentials.

Did someone else at your organization register already? Have them add you as a collaborator or contact info@aaacf.org to receive access. Please do not create a new account or you will not be able to see previous applications and won't be able to collaborate with those other members of your team.

Don't miss an email: Please add administrator@grantinterface.com to your contacts or safe sender list in your email so alerts from the system do not get caught in your spam filter.

Need help? Take a look at the Applicant Tutorial documents and video.