Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Project Name

General Questions

Provide a one page cover letter on institutional letterhead signed by the principal investigator(s), which provides a statement of the problem, the project, and its importance to your institution and the field.

Provide the names and qualifications of the person(s) who will be responsible for the project.

Briefly describe your organization.

Provide a proposed start date for the grant period.
Provide a proposed end date for the grant period.

Provide a description of the project, its purpose, and the problems it is intended to address (no more than 2 pages in length).

Identify both intermediate and final outcomes for the project indicating which will be your measure(s) for success (no more than 1 page in length). Note: Your outcomes should be measurable and you should indicate your measurement tool(s).

Download the Project Budget Form, complete and upload it here.

If you anticipate support (including in-kind) from an organization other than the Macy Foundation, please enter the source and those amounts here.

Please provide any additional information/supporting documents that may be relevant to this grant application.

Please provide any additional information/supporting documents that may be relevant to this grant application.