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TitleSupplementary data, code, and other information for ‘Discussion of: A Statistical Analysis of Multiple Temperature Proxies: Are Reconstructions of Surface Temperatures over the Last 1000 Years Reliable’
AbstractMcShane and Wyner (2011) (henceforth MW) analyze a dataset of “proxy” climate records previously used by Mann et al. (2008) (henceforth M08) to attempt to assess their utility in reconstructing past temperatures. MW introduce new methods in their analysis, which is welcome. However, the absence of both proper data quality control and appropriate “pseudoproxy” tests to assess the performance of their methods invalidate their main conclusions.
MetadataClick here for full metadata
Data DOIdoi:10.26208/x7z4-5j56

Schmidt , G. A.
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Mann, M. E.
Penn State Department of Meteorology
Rutherford, S.
Roger Williams University

Data Access

Schmidt, G.A., Mann, M.E., Rutherford, S.D., A comment on "A statistical analysis of multiple temperature proxies: Are reconstructions of surface temperatures over the last 1000 years reliable?" by McShane and Wyner, Ann. Appl. Stat., 5, 65-70, 2011.