Register to Vote

If you have a Colorado State driver's license or ID card issued by the Department of Revenue, you may register to vote, change your address, or check the status of your registration online:

You may also fill out a Voter Registration Form / Formulario de registro de votante de Colorado(PDF) to register or to change your name. Sign the form, then submit the form to the Denver Elections Division by:


Additional Information

Where to Register, Qualifications, & Privacy Information

Where to Register

You may make changes to your voter registration status online, in person or by mail. To change your address or other information online, use the link on the right side of this page. Otherwise, you may use the form found in the Voter Forms Section below. This form prints out on legal size paper. It can be used both for registering to vote and for making changes to your address or party affiliation.

The following offices are designated as voter registration locations:


In order to register to vote in Denver you must be:

  • At least 16 years of age.  (You must be at least 18 years of age by the date of the election in order to vote)
  • A citizen of the United States
  • A resident of Colorado and of Denver and consider this your sole legal place of residence
Privacy of Personal Information

Voter registration records are public records, although personal information contained in voter registration records remains private. 

Information that is public includes the voter’s:

  • Full name
  • Residential address
  • Party affiliation
  • Date of affiliation
  • Phone number (if provided by the voter)
  • Gender
  • Birth year
  • Information about whether the voter has voted in prior elections

Information that is private includes the voter’s:

  • Driver's license/ID number
  • Full date of birth
  • Email address
  • Social security number
  • Information about how the voter has voted in prior elections 

Voter Identification Requirements

You must have a valid Social Security Number, Colorado driver’s license or Colorado ID card to register online.


Additional Voter Forms

Additional Voter Forms

Complaint Forms

Voters Experiencing Homelessness

To register to vote, a physical address must be provided.

This may include a homeless shelter, homeless provider, park, campground, vacant lot, business address or any other physical location within a precinct that the voter considers their home base, to which the voter returns regularly and has an intent to remain.

If the physical location does not include a mailing address, the voter must also provide a mailing address.

A Post Office box can be used as a mailing address as long as the voter provides a valid physical Denver address as their residential address.

Voting Rights After Criminal Convictions

People convicted of misdemeanors do not lose their right to vote. Those convicted of felonies regain their right to vote once the incarceration period has been completed.

Resources to help you understand your rights:

Uniformed and Overseas Voters

Am I Eligible?

Colorado citizens living outside the United States and all active military personnel absent from Colorado are eligible to register and vote by mail as UOCAVA voters. UOCAVA provisions also cover the spouses, civil union partners, and voting dependents of active military personnel absent from Colorado.

How do I register to vote, update my registration, and request a ballot?

If you have a Colorado driver's license or identification card, log on to This online voter registration portal can be used to register to vote, request a ballot, or update voter registration information. You can also indicate how you would like to receive your ballot by filling out the form provided through the online portal.

You can update your voter registration to reflect UOCAVA status through the online portal by selecting "Find my Registration" and clicking on the "Change my Address" link. You will then be given the option to update your status as a UOCAVA elector and prompted to indicate whether you would like to receive your ballot by mail, fax, or email.

If you prefer, you can submit a Federal Post Card Application ("FPCA") to your county clerk. The FCPA is available through the Federal Voting Assistance Program ("FVAP"). And serves as a universal form for both voter registration and absentee ballot requests.

When I register as an overseas voter, what address should I use?

You must provide 2 addresses:

  1. Your residential address in Colorado; and
  2. Your current mailing address.

For overseas citizens, your residential address is the last residence you maintained in Colorado before your departure. While you may no longer maintain formal ties to that residence, the address determines your proper voting jurisdiction.

Note: A post office box is NOT a residential address.

Additional Resources

Federal Voting Assistance Program

Secretary of State Uniformed and Overseas Electors FAQs

Contact us:

Email: | Telephone: 720-865-4945 | Fax: 720-913-8607