Hawthorne Elementary School PTA

 Parents and teachers working together to support the Hawthorne Elementary community!

Join the PTA

​​​Every dollar of your PTA dues helps to support our school community. Only $20 per family optional donation. Our goal is 100% family participation!

Fill out a form and turn in with cash, check, or money order to your child's homeroom teacher:

Or join online:

Immediate Volunteer Positions Open

Sign up today!  There are many other people involved with every aspect so you will not be alone.  We need you to make this year memorable for you and your student(s)!  We appreciate you!


Sign Up To Receive PTA Newsletter

Sign up to be a PTA Volunteer:

No matter what you sign up for, there will be multiple PTA members to help guide you through the process and share the work load. Many hands make light work! 


Our Mission

To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

The Hawthorne PTA is dedicated to enriching the experiences of the entire Hawthorne community. Contributions go towards student social activities and enrichment, staff and teacher appreciations, cultural arts PTA programs, academic professional support, teacher staff assistance, and special projects. Please support our beloved Hawthorne Elementary through your membership, donations, volunteering, and advocacy!

 Other Relevant Links

Hawthorne Foundation