2022 Hazard Mitigation Plan


Welcome to the Camden County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) website.  The HMP is required by state and federal agencies in order for communities in Camden County to be eligible for certain types of mitigation funding to reduce hazard risk.  This website provides project updates, resources, and links to hazard mitigation in support of the plan update.

The goal of the project is to save lives and property through the reduction of hazard vulnerability for the entire county. During the course of this planning project, county and local leaders will work in tandem to identify risks, assess capabilities, and formulate a strategy to reduce disaster vulnerability.

Public and stakeholder participation and feedback is a vital part of the hazard mitigation planning process. Please check the engagement page regularly for information on upcoming opportunities to engage in the planning process. If you would like to get in touch with the project team, please use the following contact information:

Project Contact:
Jessica R. Stokes


Quick Links:


General Information


Natural hazards have the potential to cause property loss, loss of life, economic hardship, and threats to public health and safety. While an important aspect of emergency management deals with disaster recovery (i.e., those actions that a community must take to repair damages and make itself whole in the wake of a natural disaster), an equally important aspect of emergency management involves hazard mitigation.

Hazard mitigation actions are efforts taken before a disaster happens to lessen the impact that future disasters of that type will have on people and property in the community. They are things you do today to be more protected in the future. Hazard mitigation actions taken in advance of a hazard event are essential to breaking the typical disaster cycle of damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage. With careful selection, hazard mitigation actions can be long-term, cost-effective means of reducing the risk of loss and help create a more disaster-resistant and sustainable community.



A hazard mitigation plan is a well-organized and well-documented evaluation of the hazards that a jurisdiction is susceptible to, and the extent to which these events will occur. Hazard mitigation plans identify an area’s vulnerability to the effects of the hazards, as well as the goals, objectives, and actions required for minimizing future loss of life, injury, property damage, and economic disruption as a result of hazard events.



A hazard mitigation plan is developed BEFORE a disaster strikes. The plan identifies community policies, actions, and tools for long-term implementation to reduce risk and potential for future losses. Adopted, implemented, and maintained on an ongoing basis, the plan will gradually, but steadily, lessen the impacts associated with hazard events in your community.

Under the federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000), as of November 1, 2004 communities that do not have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan in place are no longer eligible for FEMA project grant monies under long standing programs such as the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and the Building Resilience Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC).



A major focus of this plan will be to identify effective mitigation projects and realistic implementation strategies, including identifying potential funding streams. This includes projects that may be eligible for federal funding through FEMA grants or other federal sources, as well as to projects that may not qualify for federal funding but are still important to a community. This planning process will help lay the groundwork for implementation of both federally fundable and non-federally fundable mitigation projects.

In addition to identifying effective mitigation projects, a plan will also assist your community in the following ways:

  • Increased understanding of hazards and risk your community faces;
  • Eligibility for federal funds for pre-disaster mitigation planning under DMA 2000;
  • Developing partnerships that support planning and mitigation efforts and may offer potential financial savings, including: reduced flood insurance premiums, broader resources for funding of mitigation projects, and enhanced benefit-cost ratios;
  • Enhanced coordination of hazard mitigation with comprehensive planning and zoning;
  • Development of more sustainable and disaster-resistant communities; and
  • Reduced long-term impacts and damages to human health and structures, and reduced repair costs.
  • Proactive mitigation leads to the development of sustainable, cost-effective projects. In contrast, reactive mitigation tends to yield “quick-fix” alternatives that may cost much and accomplish little. Proactive mitigation is also far more cost-effective than paying to clean up and rebuild after disasters happen. Danger to population and damage to property can be reduced if the region evaluates where and how disasters may occur and takes steps to reduce those risks.



Camden County previously participated in the 2017 Mitigation Plan for Four New Jersey Counties, along with Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties. Camden County and participating municipalities are developing a county-specific plan to prepare a more detailed risk assessment and specific mitigation strategy to support future risk reduction and project implementation.

Resident and stakeholder participation is a vital part of the hazard mitigation planning process. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in lieu of in-person outreach at this time, we will continue to update this site with ways you can keep informed and engaged in the Camden County HMP. Keep checking the engagement page regularly for information on planning progress, to take our survey, and to review and comment on the draft plan.  



The planning process will follow the following eight phases through to project implementation.  This includes several key steps:

  • Organize the planning partnership and steering committee.
  • Research a full range of natural hazards.
  • Identify the most significant hazards (the ones that present the most risk to the County); these will be the focus of the plan.
  • Identify the location and extent of hazard areas.
  • Identify assets located within hazard areas.
  • Characterize existing and potential future assets at risk by analyzing land uses and development trends.
  • Assess vulnerabilities to the identified hazards.
  • Identify local, state, and federal capabilities that support hazard mitigation.
  • Develop a mitigation strategy by evaluating and prioritizing goals, objectives, and hazard mitigation actions.
  • Adopt the plan.
  • Implement the plan and monitor its progress.

While natural disasters cannot be prevented from occurring, the continued implementation of our hazard mitigation plan over the long-term will gradually, but steadily, lessen the impacts associated with hazard events in our region.



Resident and stakeholder participation are vital parts of the hazard mitigation planning process.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in lieu of in-person outreach at this time, we will continue to update this page with ways you can keep informed and engaged in the Camden County HMP.   


Steering Committee Meeting – February 16, 2021, 10:00AM – 11:00AM

The Steering Committee will meet to commence the Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) update. Items to be discussed at this meeting include the Steering Committee role, project schedule, the previous HMP, planning process, new features, hazards of concern and public outreach. This is not a public meeting.

Kickoff with Planning Partnership Meeting – March 02, 2021, 10:00AM – 11:30AM

The Planning Partnership Meeting will be a virtual meeting to kick off the Camden County Hazard Mitigation development. This is a mandatory meeting for the steering committee and participating municipalities; the meeting will be open to the public and stakeholders.

Annex Training for County and Municipalities – March 09, 2021, 9:30AM – 11:00AM & March 11, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

The Annex Training Development Workshop will assist in identifying each main task to complete the updating of each municipal annex. Only one date must be attended by each participating municipality. It is recommended each primary contact has their full municipal mitigation team attend this training, as each task has an identified lead. This is not a public meeting.

Steering Committee Meeting – April 13, 2021, 9:30AM – 11:00AM

The Steering Committee will meet to discuss the draft risk assessment results and hazard ranking. This is not a public meeting.

Risk Assessment Meeting – April 22, 2021, 9:30AM – 11:00AM

The Risk Assessment meeting will be a virtual meeting to discuss the draft risk assessment results, hazard ranking and initiate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Obstacles and Opportunities exercise.  This meeting is open to the public and stakeholders.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app.
Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)
+1 646-751-8477  United States, New York City
Phone Conference ID: 955 145 848#


Mitigation Strategy Workshop – May 12, 2021, 9:30AM – 11:00AM

The Mitigation Strategy Workshop will be a virtual meeting to discuss what a mitigation strategy is, how to implement a strategy, and potential mitigation strategies that may assist in lowering vulnerabilities identified through the risk assessment results and hazard ranking.  This meeting is open to the public and stakeholders.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app.
Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)
+1 646-751-8477  United States, New York City
Phone Conference ID: 558 037 827#



View the interactive StoryMap, which describes the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update process and allows individuals to participate in the update. We invite you to visit the StoryMap and please send in any feedback, as well as complete the surveys found within.



Citizen Survey:  Camden County developed a Citizen Preparedness Survey to assist in providing the public an outlet to contribute to the HMP update. Thank you for participating in this important initiative by providing us with your anonymous survey contribution. Please visit the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Camden_Citizen

Stakeholder Survey: As part of the HMP update planning process we are engaging stakeholders and are looking for your assistance (i.e., utilities, transportation, business/commerce, emergency services, health/medical).  Please consider taking the stakeholder survey so we may collect input in terms of capabilities, vulnerabilities, and potential projects.  Please visit the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Camden_Stakeholder  

Neighbor Survey:  As part of the HMP update planning process, we are engaging our neighboring communities and counties. The effects of natural disasters may be similar in your county and your involvement in this process could reap mutual benefits. By participating in the review of this plan, you will be engaging in the regional coordination of disaster mitigation planning, which is one of the intents of the Mitigation Planning Regulations (44 CFR 201). Please visit the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Camden_Neighbor


Draft Plan for Review 

The draft Camden County Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for public review.  This plan will be available for public review through September 30, 2021.  Please use the online form to submit your plan review comments to the County. There is no limit to the number of comments you may submit; however, multiple comments need to be submitted individually using this online form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Camden_PublicReview. 

We thank you in advance for your engagement in this planning process.  Please contact Emergency Management with any questions (jessica.stokes@camdencodps.org ).

