Your Worth Is Not Defined By Your Productivity

Headshot of a woman in a green sweater against a white brick background. Photo is of counselor Brianne Rehac, LMHC in New York State.

I help the people who are used to being able to do it all let go without feeling guilty for putting themselves first.

My clients work hard, just as you do. Despite being smart, determined problem-solvers, some days feel like a grind.

When they first come in, they feel tired and unsatisfied. They say things like, “I’m not a perfectionist, because I’m NOT perfect,” but they admit they also never feel like they are doing enough. Imposter syndrome is a phrase I hear from them a lot.

We talk about fears of failure getting in the way of achieving goals.

Photo of an office, modern furnishings in neutral tones with a large window mainly off-frame letting in natural light. Representing a private and comfortable therapy space.

Before they came to see me, some of my clients wondered what life would look like if they made different choices.

They were pretty certain that there was only one “right” path. And they worried they were too late to make a change. Worry and second-guessing were stopping them from turning away from the things that weren’t serving them anymore.

Photo of four friends from behind. They have arms wrapped around each other and looking into a sunrise or sunset from the top of a tall hill. Representing enjoyment, adventure and friendship. Possible goals of having work-life balance.

Like my clients, you deserve to enjoy the life that you have built for yourself.

Feeling calm and confident is not out of your reach.

If you want to learn what that “work-life balance” thing is all about, I’d love to help you get there.