Amy Lentini’s balcony at her countryside retreat in the Sabine Hills, Italy.

Amy Lentini’s balcony at her countryside retreat in the Sabine Hills, Italy.

Photographer: Alessia Pierdomenico/Bloomberg


Why Buying a Second or Even Third Home Is Becoming More Popular Than Ever

Low interest rates, pandemic-era savings and a hybrid-work revolution are making it more feasible for people to split their time. 

In the Before Times, people had to make a choice: Squeeze into the chaos and energy of the city, or live large amidst the beauty and boredom of the countryside.

The pandemic led many to reevaluate this lifestyle choice, upending global housing markets. Prices skyrocketed and bidding wars abounded in the suburbs, while demand plummeted in many big cities. Now, those who can afford it want both.