Nice to meet ya.

AfroLA is solutions-focused, data-driven and community-centered journalism for Los Angeles, told through the lens of the Black community, and with emphasis on how news may disparately impact L.A.'s most vulnerable groups and communities of color.

Sign up for The Breakdown, our biweekly-ish newsletter.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our 2023 NewsMatch campaign! We raised $10,220 in donations made from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31. But, we rely on continued community support to keep the lights on.

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Support our journalism

A sustainable future for AfroLA is our ultimate goal. Long-term sustainability, though, is dependent upon both philanthropic and grassroots support. We’re actively applying for grants and seeking large-dollar donations to help fund our launch and initial operations. But, we also need support from community members who value our work to contribute smaller donations. Even $10 a month can make a big impact. AfroLA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; all donations are tax-deductible.

Your donations go directly to:

  • Maintaining and developing new user-friendly features our website
  • Funding our editorial operations, which includes fairly compensating the journalists, editors, freelancers, community contributors and staff that make our journalism happen
  • Developing programs that empower current and future journalists to better cover L.A.’s Black communities and other historically-marginalized groups through education, training, mentorship and (paid) opportunities

You can follow our coverage and be among the first to find out about our future programs by signing up for our newsletter.

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