[archive] Accessibility Icons for Review

These are old versions of draft icons for review.
Do not use these icons.
See updated icons in Accessibility Icon Set from W3C WAI


EOWG developed a set of 5 icons for videos several months ago. At the time, EOWG decided they were good enough to not hold up completing the videos, and that we wanted to refine them for use in other places. For example, in https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/abilities-barriers/

Example of different icons used in a WAI resource as small images with headings: https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/planning/#-audio-only-checklists
Example of different images used in a WAI resources as big images: https://www.w3.org/WAI/business-case/

Thanks to Tanya and Kenzo for icon design iterations, we have propsals and options for final icons.

Note that once we agree on the design, they will provide them in different sizes and colors so they are ready to be used in different places.

We also have a new 6th icon that might be used separately in other places.

Original icons

Visual description of 6 icons: Simple outline of an eye, ear, hand, brain in head, side of head with speech/sound waves from mouth, and a body.

Updated Icons

All the icons are updated with rounded ends.

Here are all proposed icons together, with current top choice for ear. Options for ear are below.

No substantive change:

Only change is rounding the ends.

1. hand

2. speech

Changes have approval from most EOWG participants:

3. brain. change from previous version: made brain bigger to be more anatomically correct, yet not in eye area.

4. eye. change: different style eye that is softer.

6. body. new icon. we will have available two versions:

6.1. outline style to match the others:

6.2. filled in for potential use without the others:

Options for input:

5.a. ear original:

5.x. inner line inside most inside (kv06a)

5.y. inner line middle (kv06f)

5.z. inner line closest (kv06e)

ear other versions, just fyi

5.b. shorter inside line

5.c. longer inside line

5.d. hook inside line (kv04)

5.e. more inside lines (kv04_ALT)

5.f. inside looks like hearing aid 1 (kv06b)

5.g. inside looks like hearing aid 2 (kv06c)

5.h. inside looks like hearing aid 3 (kv06d)