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State of Nevada 03-202 FILED.NU.SOS eae 2020 2020, SR ae Obes EXPLANATION: Matter in bolded Halis is nw; matter between breckets ited material is language tobe omited ‘THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEVADA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: See. 1. Chapter 293 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto the provisions set forth as sections 2 and 3 inclusive ofthis act ‘See. 2. Statement of policy. The people of Nevada do hereby ind and declare that it shal be the policy ofthis State that a oter need not be a registered member of apolitical party to participate in primary ‘elections for partisan offices in this Sta Sec. 3, “Portan office” means an elected ofice for which apoltical party preference may be ‘dented on a declaration of candy. Sec. 4. IRS 293.0675 is hereby amended to read as follows “Nonpartisan office” means an elected office other than a partisan office [fo-which a politica party may-notnominate-reanidate), Sec, &. NRS 293.257 is herety amended to read as follows: {+ There mustbe separate primary blll for ach-major politica party The names of sanaies Jr pts ices wh hive esate aaeasiienpirintte decane sadness appear on the primar ballot cf the major politcal party-designated. wr —The county slerk-may choose to pace the names of sandidates for nonpanisanios othe ‘alot foreach mejor poi pary-oF om separate ponpartisn primary ballet but hearangement “which tecounty-cleriselets must peri al registered yolersto yore other 3A} Any repstred vot: may cast a [primary balla for [emmajr polticlparty- primary ‘wih hat major political pars} any candidate for parusan office regardless of the poiial party Aaffiation ofthe voter or any polieal preference indicated by the candidate. Sec. 6. NRS 293.260 heel amended to read as follows 1. theres no contest lection for nomination to a particular office, neither the tle ofthe office nor the name of the candidate may appear onthe allot atthe primary election 2 Beer py soe - ‘ceiver the highest amber of voles tthe primary-cletion mustbe declared the ominee of tnt-najor poiiea party forthe oftiee} At an election fora partisan office, the two candidates who recive the highest numberof votes the primary election must be declared the nominees, and thelr names mist ‘be placed on the ballot at the general election. 3. Ifnot more than the namber of candidates tobe elected have filed for nomination fr: (© Any partisan office orth fice of judge ofa district cour, judge ofthe Court of Appeals or Justice ofthe Supreme Court, the names of those candidates must be omited fom al ballot ora primary lection and placed onal tts for the general lection; Page 1 of 27 Initiative Petition — Statewide Statutory Measure State of Nevada (©) Any nonpartisan office, other than the office of judge of district cour, judge of the Cour of Appeals, justice ofthe Supreme Court or member ofa town advisory board, the rames of those ‘candidates must appear onthe ballot for a primary election unless the candidates were nominated pursuant o subsection [2}1 of NRS 293,165, Ifa candidate receives one or more votes athe primary election, the candidate must be declared elected to the office and his or her name must not be placed on the ballot for the general election. Ifa candidate does not receive one or more votes at the primary election his or her name must be placed on the ballot forthe general election; and (©) The ollie of member of town advisory board, the candidate must be declared elected tothe office and no eletion must be held for tht oie. 4. Ifthere ae not more than twice the number of candidates tobe elected t& nonpartisan offic, the candidates must, without a primary election, be declared the nominees for the offi, and the names ofthe ‘candidates must be omitted fom al ballots fora primary election and placed on ll ballots forthe general election 'S.f there are more than twice the numberof candidates tobe elected tow nonpartisan office, the names of the candidates must appear onthe ballot for a primary election. Except as otherwise provided in 'NRS 293,400, those candidates who receive the highest number of votes atthe primary election, not ‘exceed twice the number tobe elected, must be declared nominees forthe office and the names of those ‘candidates must be placed onthe ballot forthe general election, excep that if one of those candidates receives a majority ofthe votes east in the primary election for (@) The office of judge of a district cour, judge ofthe Court of Appeals or justice ofthe Supreme ‘Court the eandiate must be declared the ely nominee forthe office and only his or her name mast be placed onthe ballot forthe general election. () Any othe nonpartisan offic, the candidate must be declared elected to the office and his or her name must not be placed onthe ballot forthe general election. See. 7, NRS 293.263 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. [Onshe primary ballots for malor politic! party the name ofthe major poi pary- mis appesr-at the top ofthe ballot | Except a otherwise provided in NRS 293.2565, [lowing this the names of eandidates must appear on the primary ballot grouped alphabetically under the title and length of term of the partisan office for which those candidate ied, 2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, immediatly following the name of each candidate ‘must appear the name or abbreviation ofthe politica party he or she prefers, the words “no political ‘party" or the abbreviation “NPP.” Immediately following the name ofeach candidat or nonpartisan ‘office must appear the word “nonpartisan” or the abbresiation “NP. “1. Where a system of voting other than by paper ballot is used in the case of a partisan of, the ‘Secretary of Stare may provide for any placement ofthe name or abbreviation ofthe pola! party preference, the words “no polcal party" or the abbreviation "NPP," which clearly relates the ‘designauion ro the name ofthe candiaate 10 whom W apples. In the case ofa nonparusan oie, the Secretary of State may provide for any placement ofthe word “nonpartisan” or the abbreviation “NP,” ‘which clearly relates tothe designation ofthe name ofthe candidate to whom l applies, 4. The primary ballots for partisan ofice must Include a conspleuously placed disclaimer in language approved by the Secretary of State Indicating that any plea preference expressed by @ candidate onthe ballot does not imply tha the candidate has been nominated or endorsed by that political party or that the party approves of or affiates with that candidate Sec. 8. NRS 295.267 is hereby amended to read as follows |. Ballots fora general election must contain the names of candidates who were nominated atthe primary election the-names-of she candidates oF a-minor poieal- party and he names of independent ‘sandiatend Page 2 0f 27 itiative Petition — Statewide Statutory Measure State of Nevada 2, xcept 1s otherwise provided in NRS 293.2865, names of candidates must be grouped alphabetically under the ile and length of term of the offic for which those candidates filed 3.” Except asotherwise provided in subsection 4: (@) Immediately following the name of each candidate for a partisan office must appear the name or borevation of [hie oF-er dhe politcal party} fe or she prefers, the words “ro politcal party” oF the abbreviation “NPP,” a the ease maybe () Immediately following the name of each candi “nonpartisan” or te abbreviation “NP.” ‘4. Where system of voting other than by paper ballot is used, the Seoretary of State may provide for any placement of the name or abbreviation of the political party, the words “no politcal party” or “ponpartisan" or te abbreviation “NPP” of "NP," as appropriate, which clearly lates the designation to the name ofthe eaidat to whom it applies, 5. The ballts must include a consplewonsly placed disclaimer in language approved by the ‘Secretary of Stae indicating that any political preference expressed by a candidate onthe ballot doesnot ‘imply that the canidate has been nominated or endorsed by that poitieal party or that the par) approses: of or affiliates with that candida. {Ifthe Legisbture rejects a statewide measure propose by initiative and proposes different messure ‘on the same subjest which the Govemor approves, the measure proposed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor must be listed on the ballot before the statewide measure profosed by inttive. Each ballot and sample ballot upon which the measures appear must contain a statement that reads substantially 2 follows: for @ nonpartisan office must appear the word. ‘The following question are alternative approaches tothe same issue, and only one approach may be enacted ina law, Please vote for only one Sec. 9. NRS 293287 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. A registered voter applying to vote at any primary election shal give his r her name [and politcal sfiiation_ any to the election board officer in charge ofthe roster, and the efficer shall immediately announce the nae [and pole afiiton ff the vorer 2. Any perscn's right to vote may be challenged by any registred voter upon} {ca)-Any) anyof the grounds allowed fora challenge in NRS 293,303.63 resiereor —(e)-Fhe grou thatthe roster does not show thatthe person designated the pela! pory-iowhich he 3. Any suchchallenge must be disposed of inthe manner provided by NRS 293,303. é “witha minor politcal pany may votes sonpartisan ballot atthe primary election ‘See, 10, NRS 293.127565 is hereby amended to read as follows 1, Ateact building tats open tothe general pubic and occupied bythe government of this State ‘or politcal subdivision of this tte or an ageacy threo, other than a building of a public elementary or ‘secondary school an area must be designated fer the use of any person to gather signatures ona petition at any time that the building i open to the pubic. The area must be reasonable and may be inside ‘outside ofthe building. Each pubic ofier or emplayee in contol ofthe operation ofa building governed by this subsection shal: (@) Designate the area atthe building forthe gathering of signatures; and Pages a2 Initiative Petition — Statewide Statutory Measure State of Nevada (©) On an annual basis, submit tothe Secretary of State and the county le forthe county in which the building i located notice ofthe area atthe building designated forthe gattering of signstureson 8 potion, The Secretary of State and the county clerk shall make available tothe publica list ofthe areas at public buildings designated forthe gathering of signatures ona petition. 2, Before a person may use an area designated pursuant to subsection I the person must natify the public officer or employee in control ofthe operation ofthe building govemed ty subsection 1 ofthe sates and times thatthe person intends to use the area to gather signature ona petition. The public officer ‘oremployee may not deny the person the use ofthe area 13. Not later than 3 working days ater the date of the decison that aggrieved the person, a person agarieved by a devsion made by a public officer or employee pursuant to subsetion 1 or2 may appeal the decision tothe Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shll review the detision to determine whether the publi officer or employee violated subsection 1 or 2. Ifthe Secreta of State determines & public officer or employee violated subsection | or 2 and that a person was denied the use ofa publi building forthe parpose of gathering signatreson a petition, the Secretary of Site shall order thatthe

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