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NASA Technology Strategy

Charting the horizon of NASA technology development

Space Technology Shortfall Feedback Opportunity

Transformational technologies are critical to NASA’s goals of exploring the unknown in space, benefitting life on Earth, and solving critical stakeholder needs. We are gathering feedback from the American aerospace community about their most pressing shortfalls – technology areas that require further development to meet future exploration and science mission needs.
NASA is asking for feedback on nearly 190 of these shortfalls. Businesses, organizations, agencies, academic institutions, and individuals with a stake in space technology can review the shortfall list and descriptions. We will begin collecting feedback on April 15, 2024. If you are part of NASA’s workforce, please submit feedback on the shortfalls via the NASA Spark platform.

Envisioned Future Priorities

Envisioned Futures describe how STMD technology leaders are planning to advance space technology capabilities. For more context on the state of the art and broad challenges in the technology categories, you may refer to the Envisioned Future Priorities (EFP) packages available below. Note, the EFPs predate the high-level shortfall list and do not correlate directly.