What's Your Hiring Hang Up in 2021

The Next Big Thing in Hiring Come 2021

Guess what recently happened in the world of recruiting and consulting services? Well, first of all, it’s likely no surprise to hear more and more full-time salaries are being replaced with in-demand consultants in 2020.  But did you know that a recent survey of US corporate hiring managers indicates an upward trend in such hiring regardless of business or market conditions.

According to a recent HRExecutive.com article, in 2021, more organizations will “open up the talent marketplace” amid a surge of flexible work arrangements. You may not think so now, but this is a BIG DEAL for HR and hiring managers.

Change is Coming

Along with the remote work arrangements already in place in 2020, the survey’s underlying data strongly suggests any hiring hang ups you experienced in years past will likely be change big time in 2021 and beyond.

Why? Well, you know those in-demand, full-time workers you’ve been wooing for the last decade? This cohort of talent aren’t as loyal as in years past will leave for more favorable job options. One job option that’s top of mind for most full-time workers is mental health. Perhaps they’re career path is not clear or their commute to a 40-60 hour a week job is too much. Whatever the reason, a growing number of in-demand talent is opting to work less or work smarter (ie. remote work, freelance work). Another name for this hot trend is “work-life balance“. When last checked, the U.S. was graded a D at number 11.

A recent article entitled “Why revamping benefits should be a priority for today’s new reality” made it quite clear that increased employee benefits are gaining momentum for many employers.

The timing seems right too as employee loyalty continues to wane. Today company’s are looking for new ways to hire and retain top talent.

So what’s all this mean to your hiring strategy and underlying processes? In short, it means you as an HR and/or hiring manager must think differently.

In an upcoming post, we’ll help you predict and avoid your top hiring hang ups in 2021. We’ll also suggest ways to identify the diamonds in the rough who may be undervalued or underutilized. It all revolves around refining your understanding of where a job candidate’s value comes from now and in the long term.

Stay tuned as we plot a better path to recruiting and hiring in the coming weeks and months.

Next Steps