
Section 1: Information from the School
I Do Not Know
Were you informed of your right to request information about the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher(s)?
Did you receive information about your child’s school performance on District or State assessments?
Did you receive information about grade level expectations, grade-level proficiency, or how your child scored on State assessments?
Did you receive information about standardized testing, such as the Florida Assessments of Student Thinking (FAST), Accessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs), End-of-Course Assessment (EOCs), Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA), etc., and how to help your child succeed?
Did you receive information about how to keep track and monitor your child’s progress (e.g. Parent Portal)?
Did you receive information about how you can work with teachers to help your child improve his/her academic performance?
Did you participate in one or more meetings, training, or events about how to help your child with school?
Do you feel that the principal and school administrators are willing to communicate with you?
Do you feel that the school staff members are willing to communicate with you?
Do you feel that your child's teachers are willing to communicate with you?
Do you feel that your child’s school values your suggestions and your input?

Section 2: Communication with the School
I Do Not Know
Does your child’s school provide you with information, in your preferred language, that is easy to read and understand?
Do you know how to contact your child’s teacher?
Were interpreters available or special needs accommodations made to help you during events/meetings conducted by your child’s school or the Title I District Office, if needed?
Have you asked for specific activities, meetings, and/or materials from your child’s school?
Do you feel there is someone available at the school to explain to you why activities, meetings, or material supplies are needed or not needed?

Section 3: Title I Information
I Do Not Know
Did you participate in the Annual Parent Meeting About the Benefits of the Title I Schoolwide Program, conducted by your child's school, or any meeting where the goals and activities of the Title I Program and the Title I District-level and School-level Parent and Family Engagement Plans (PFEP) were discussed?
If requested, was the Title I District-level and School-level PFEP provided to you in a language that you understood?
Were you aware that you may participate in the development and review of the Title I District-level and School-level PFEP and your child's Title I School-Parent Compact?

Section 4: Barriers and Obstacles to Greater Parent Engagement

What are some of the barriers and/or obstacles that prevented you from greater parent engagement?
(Select all that apply)
Language Barrier
Times/Dates of Meetings/Workshops
Interpretation and/or Accommodations for Special Needs
Other (please specify):

Section 5: Topics of Interest

Please indicate which topic(s) you would like to receive additional information or guidance (check all that apply):
(Select all that apply)
The Title I Program
Accessing Resources
Parent Portal
High School Graduation Requirements
School-site Parent Resource Center (PRC)
State Standards & Assessments
Services for Students with Special Needs
Pre-requisite for Post-Secondary Education
Chess2Think Initiative in Title I Schools (CHESS Program)
Project UP-START
Title I Migrant Education Program
Title I Neglected, Delinquent and At-Risk Programs
Title I District Advisory Council (DAC)/Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
VPK Program in Title I Schools
Mental Health
Working with my Child at Home

Section 6: Suggestions and Feedback

Please give a few suggestions to assist with the development of the parent and family engagement services to be included in the annual Title I, Part A Application, and with the redesigning of activities, and effectiveness of the Title I District-level and School-level Parent and Family Engagement Program for the next school year.