AMP 05 July 2021

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 1 5 0 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS BACKGROUND A study led by Stanford University and published in 2020 in PLOS Biology (a peer-reviewed open-access journal) provided a comprehensive list that identified the top 2% of scientists worldwide. The paper, led by Prof. John P. A. Ioannidis, is titled “Updated Science-wide Author Databases of Standardized Citation Indicators” (https:// According to Prof. Ioannidis, “There is no large-scale database that systematically ranks all themost-cited scientists in each and every scientific field to a sufficient ranking depth.” Moreover, according to Prof. Ioannidis, “Google Scholar allows scientists to create their profiles and share them in public, but not all researchers have created a profile. Clarivate Analytics provides every year a list of the most-cited scientists of the last decade, but the scheme uses a coarse classification of science in only 21 fields, and even the latest, expanded listing includes only about 6000 scientists. We have tried to offer a solution to overcome many of the technical problems and provide a comprehensive database of a sufficiently large number of most-cited scientists across science.” The large database was created from data from Scopus. The study analyzed data from papers published from 1996 to 2019, covering nearly 7 million scientists across various disciplines. Finally, “For papers published from 1960 until 1995, the citations received in 1996–2017 are also included in the calculations, but the citations received up to 1995 are not. Therefore, this version provides a measure of long-term performance, and for most living, active scientists, this also reflects their career-long impact or is a very good approximation thereof.” More specifically, the authors were classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields. The Stanford team sought to provide a comprehensive database of a sufficiently large number of the most-cited scientists. The research team used common citation indicators, including H-index, co-authorship, and a composite indicator MEMBERS OF TSS COMMUNITY ARE AMONG TOP 2% OF MOST-CITED WORLD SCIENTISTS Thermal spray community identifies many in its ranks on Stanford’s list of the top 2% of scientists worldwide based on citation data. Rogerio S. Lima,* TSS VP, National Research Council of Canada, QC, Canada Christopher C. Berndt, FASM, TSS-HoF,* Swinburne University of Technology, Australia for career-long impact to create the dataset. This top 2% list—which corresponds to 159,683 people of ~7 million—can be found online. Download the file Table-S6-career-2019.xlsx from this link: STATUS OF THERMAL SPRAY RESEARCHERS This information brings an important parameter for the status of thermal spraying across the globe. Thermal spray is a well-recognized industrial process worldwide. There are many successful applications in the aerospace, power generation, anti-wear & corrosion, textile, pulp & paper, oil & gas, and mining fields. Nonetheless, it needs to be highlighted that this news has a particular and immense impact in the thermal spray scientific community (i.e., universities and research centers). In the table provided in this article, it is possible to observemany TSSmembers andawardeeswithin the Top2%list. Citation metrics are exceedingly important for scientists and are often used as indicators to determine the relevance and importance of a given research topic. The presence of many thermal spray researchers in this list shows the tremendous impact that thermal spray R&D has been playing in the big picture of the science around the world. Besides recognizing the valuable contributions of past and present thermal spray- 5 Stanford University Main Quad. Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons. *Member of ASM International FEATURE 4