Welcome to the Social AI CDT

The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Socially Intelligent Artificial Agents

The overarching goal of Social AI  is to train the next generation of experts in Artificial Social Intelligence; the AI domain aimed at endowing artificial agents with social intelligence, the ability to deal appropriately with users’ attitudes intentions, feelings, personality and expectations.

The Programme

The training programme covers the following main areas:


To outline principles and laws that govern social interactions between human and artificial agents – both embodied and virtual – at the level of cognitive, behavioural and physiological phenomena.


To improve the impact of artificial agents through their integration into wider and more complex technological systems and infrastructures.


To develop technological approaches – informed by the principles and laws outlined in 1 – that allow artificial agents to act as believable and effective partners in social interactions involving human users.


To investigate the human response to socially intelligent artificial agents in everyday life.

The Social AI CDT is based at the University of Glasgow.

It is a collaboration between the School of Computing Science, the School of Psychology & Neuroscience, the Adam Smith Business School, the School of Critical Studies, the School of Engineering, the Scottish Graduate School of the Social Sciences and 17 industrial partners.

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