Animated Stories with Coding

Junko Yamamoto

Associate Professor, College of Education, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

Make your stories come alive

November 29, 2020

These are suggestions for secondary schools. They can be applied to history research and a creative story. A student in a world language classroom can write and record text in their target language. Science students can create an animation for the water cycle, moon phase, or other science topics.


Storyboard template

Storyboard sample

Animation: Click the flag to play.

Target: History, grades 11 & 12


Storyboard template

Storyboard sample

Animation: click play to view.

Target: Language Arts, grades 7 & 8

Coding samples

ISTE Standards for Students

Computational Thinker 5d: Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.

Creative Communicator 6a: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.


Twitter: @Junko_Yamamoto