Participant Letter for Anonymous Surveys (v2023-08-31)

NSU Consent to be in a Research Study Entitled

Understanding Risk Perception in Distance Debriefing Through the Lens of the Social Amplification of Risk Framework: A Qualitative Exploration

Who is doing this research study?

The person doing this study is Dr. Dawn Wawersik with the Interprofessional Simulation Institute. They will be helped by Sharouk Khanjar with Alfaisal University.

Why are you asking me to be in this research study?

You are being asked to take part in this research study because you are a healthcare professional, healthcare student, or simulationist with prior experience in distance simulation debriefing as a debriefee.

Why is this research being done?

The purpose of this study is to explore risk perception among debriefees during distance debriefing sessions. Our goal is to identify factors and risks that influence psychological safety, using frameworks of risk perception and social amplification risk assessment, so simulation debriefers can act with effective strategies, approaches, and techniques to enhance psychological safety.

What will I be doing if I agree to be in this research study?

You will be taking a one-time, anonymous survey. The survey will take approximately five to ten minutes to complete. 

Are there possible risks and discomforts to me? 

This research study involves minimal risk to you. To the best of our knowledge, the things you will be doing have no more risk of harm than you would have in everyday life.

What happens if I do not want to be in this research study? 

You can decide not to participate in this research, and it will not be held against you. You can exit the survey at any time.

Will it cost me anything? Will I get paid for being in the study? 

There is no cost for participation in this study. Participation is voluntary and no payment will be provided.

How will you keep my information private?

Your responses are anonymous. Information we learn about you in this research study will be handled confidentially, within the limits of the law. No identifying data is being collected. The survey goes through Redcap which does not collect IP addresses. This data will be available to the researcher, the Institutional Review Board other representatives of this institution, and any granting agencies (if applicable). All data will be kept for 36 months from the end of the study and destroyed after that time by deleting the survey from RedCap. 

Who can I talk to about the study?

If you have questions, you can contact Dr. Dawn Wawersik at (954) 262-1502

If you have questions about the study but want to talk to someone else who is not a part of the study, you can call the Nova Southeastern University Institutional Review Board (IRB) at (954) 262-5369 or toll-free at 1-866-499-0790 or email at

Do you understand and do you want to be in the study?

If you have read the above information and voluntarily wish to participate in this research study, please click the link below and begin the survey.

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