Falyn's Donors Donors
2023 JDRF Jacksonville Party with a Purpose

Let's create a world without T1D!

Dear Family and Friends,

As you may know, Falyn was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) at the age of 14 in 1996. During a family vacation this past Memorial Day, Macey (our 4th child) at the age of 3 was displaying all the symptoms of T1D. Falyn knew deep down what was going on, and Josh didn't want to think it was possible. 

After Falyn tested Macey's blood sugar on her glucose meter and it was 553 (normal range is 70-120) we went straight to the hospital. 
We began living Falyn's worst nightmare — her child getting diagnosed with T1D.

T1D is an autoimmune disease that occurs in bodies that are unable to produce insulin, a hormone necessary to convert glucose into energy. Instead, sugar surges into the blood, causing acute symptoms from fatigue to excessive thirst. Contrary to common misconception, T1D is not a result of lifestyle or eating habits associated with type 2 diabetes.

Even with steady management, it can lead to a wide range of complications.
We are so fortunate that we are extremely familiar with this disease and have jumped in full force, but also heartbroken knowing what Macey will deal with on a day-to-day basis, 24/7/365, no days off. She is a true warrior and has adapted to her new life quickly.

Falyn has not let T1D stop her from doing anything... from attending college, moving to NYC, getting married to Josh, having 4 kids, and most recently running the NYC Marathon. T1D is truly part of our lives and we are fortunate for all of the advancements in research and technology that allow her to live a healthy lifestyle.

JDRF is the leading global organization harnessing the power of research, advocacy, and community engagement to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications. 

We are proud to be honored as the 2023 JDRF Northern Florida Fund a Cure Family. 

We are not just one person fighting for a cure... we are ALL in this together.
It is our goal to support JDRF’s mission. To do this, we are asking for YOUR help. Please consider supporting us by making a Fund a Cure donation, which is 100% tax-deductible and directly impact the important mission of JDRF.

With gratitude and hope,
Falyn, Josh, Jordyn, Zachary, Sydney and Macey

Falyn's Donors Donors

2023 JDRF Jacksonville Party with a Purpose