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Week 10

THE FINAL PERFORMANCE Like the last playtesting, for the final performance, my role was to be the gatekeeper and control the flow of people in and out of the performance. I prepared a short speech that I would use to describe the performance and add to the suspense of the project. I worked with Lauren to create a consent form for our performance as well so we would have permission to take photos/videos of the performance for future use incase we do end up trying to publish this project. In addition to letting people in, I also helped with editing the survey and making sure people filled out our exit survey as they left the performance.  I believe our performance was a success, and I was extremely happy with the turnout and responses we received. I would love to see this performance run again for the senior show, although I am unsure of the logistics of when it is and how it would work (if the senior showcase is not in the Mocap room).

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