Welcome to my web page.

I am Nanditha Krishna, a fifth-year student of the joint five-year Integrated Masters (M.A) Program in English Language and Literature (2019-2024), at Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, India.

Interested in art, music, films, literary studies, philosophy, video games, interactive narratives and all things media, I’m inventive, empathic, playful, quirky and love digital media and culture.

Initially unsure of my inclination towards literature, my accidental pursuit of a joint 5-year Bachelor’s plus Master’s degree in English Language and Literature exposed me to an incredibly diverse selection of literary works across the world, opening my eyes. Ever since, I have been deeply and immensely drawn to literature and literary studies.

I am also very passionate about music and music production. When I am not busy with my academic coursework, you’ll find me immersed in Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) like Ableton Live and Bandlab.

Note : I take great care in regularly updating my webpage. While I have plans to eventually completely redesign it in the future, for now, its purpose remains to offer a convenient spot for sharing my story and providing insights into who I am. Stay updated and see my current portfolio and exhibitions here on this web log.

About Me

Integrated Masters (M.A) English Language and Literature (2019-2024)
HASTAC Scholar (2021-2023)
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Amritapuri, India

Academic & Research Interests

My academic interests are diverse, spanning various disciplines. Some intersect, while others stand distinct. I’m particularly drawn to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research across the humanities, arts, social sciences, and technology.

  • literary studies (more specifically: fiction)
  • education and learning: learning mechanisms, instructional design, curicullum design, educational psychology
  • educational technology: ICT tools for learning and education, digital education, MOOCs, multimedia for learning
  • philosophy of education: lifelong learning, personalised learning, self-regulated learning, open scholarship, open education
  • playful learning: gamification (for example, exploring how building blocks in games augment creativity, imagination, and literacy)
  • media studies: computer-mediated communication (communication through digital platforms and interfaces), internet studies, digital culture, new media, online and internet culture (for example, exploring how human communication, behavior, emotions, and relationships work in the digital landscape)
  • media psychology: human-media interaction, behaviour, media and algorithms, cyberpsychology, digital humanities
  • ethics of technology and internet culture
  • media and technology: philosophy of media and technology, immersive experiences, emergent technologies, extended reality (mixed, augmented and virtual reality), interactive narratives, affective computing, UX, interaction design, creative computing, digital literary studies, interactive fiction, electronic literature (digital-born literature)
  • psychology: emotions, empathy, affective communication, personality, mental health, self-concept, individual differences
  • philosophy: almost everything concerning philosophy. But also, abstract life concepts surrounding meaning, purpose, existence.
  • language and linguistics: discourse analysis, conversation analysis, corpus linguistics
  • culture and commmunication: communication, culture, behaviour, cognition, multicultural communication, community building
  • urban studies: city design, life in towns and cities, town planning, green cities



  • written communication: editing, proofreading, content development and analysis
  • literature review and research
  • community development: community building, networking, bringing people together, fostering connections
  • narrative design: worldbuilding, storytelling, writing game-mechanics and stories
  • conversational design: designing interactions
  • Basic audio editing and manipulation on DAWs

Editorial Credits

Professional Memberships

  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2024-2025)
  • Research Data Access & Preservation (RDAP) (2024-2025)
  • Humanities Commons Advisory Group (2024-2025)

Other memberships

Project Portfolio

Below, you can find my portfolio with links to projects I have been a part of and web pages that I have managed and designed.

Academic Projects

  • Editor-In-Chief, Web-Editor & Manager – Āroh E-Magazine [Course Code : 18ELL234 : Technical and Professional Writing]
    [January-July 2021]
  • Editor, Web-Editor & Manager The Oxidane Project
    [Course Code : 18ENV300 : Environmental Science and Sustainability] [January-July 2021]
  • Editor, Web-Editor & Manager – Sphere Of Humanity
    [Course Code : 18ENG121 : Professional Communication]
    [January-July 2020]

Co-Curricular Activities

  • Web-Editor & Manager– Othonam 2021 Othonam 2021
    [Prayaana, Association of the Department of English, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences] [August 2021]
  • Managing Editor, Dhyuthi Magazine
    [Prayaana, Association of the Department of English, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences] [August 2022]


Research Publications

  • Gupta, K., Zhang, Y., Gunasekaran, T. S., Sasikumar, P., Krishna, N., Pai, Y. S., & Billinghurst, M. (2023, March). VRdoGraphy: An Empathic VR Photography Experience. In 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 1013-1014). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/VRW58643.2023.00352.

Non-Research Publications

Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Activities

HASTAC is co-administered by the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY), and Dartmouth College.

2023 HASTAC Collaborative Book Review & Interview

During the Spring 2023 semesters, I participated in the HASTAC Collaborative Book Review The New College Classroom, co-authored by HASTAC Co-Founder Cathy Davidson and Christina Katopodis of the CUNY Graduate Center. I reviewed Chapter 9 of the book.

2022 HASTAC Collaborative Book Review & Interview

During the Spring 2022 semester, I participated in the HASTAC Collaborative Book Review of Dr. Sasha Costanza-Chock’s  Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need published by MIT Press in 2020. I reviewed Chapter-5 of the book.  

My creative interests

Photo by Noelle Otto on


I find storytelling fascinating—whether it’s through art, literature, paintings, films, or music, I’ve always been drawn to it, regardless of its form.

My favorite painting would have to be Francisco Fonseca’s piece titled ‘Labirinto.’ In my view, it profoundly captures the profound sense of solitude experienced when burning the midnight oil—be it while studying for exams, engrossed in producing music, or deeply focused on a project—while the entire street sleeps. I find its existential essence, that echoes deeper thoughts concerning life, painting a larger contemplative picture very interesting.

Literature and Writing

I love reading books and my favourite genre is fiction. I love the works of Jane Austen, Bronte Sisters, Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, Emily Dickinson, Christina Rossetti, Jane Eyre, Sylvia Plath, Saul Below, Ernest Hemmingway and Meg Cabot, to name a few.

And I truly enjoy using words: writing, editing, checking, creating guides, explaining technical concepts, and blogging. I’m naturally emotionally expressive and find joy in written communication, including editing, proofreading, documentation, technical writing, and blogging. I’m captivated by the art of written expression—shaping narratives by weaving, polishing, and refining words. I enjoy different kinds of writing, from technical documents to interesting blogs.


I have a deep affection for independent, non-commercial arthouse films. You’ll often find me scouring Letterboxd or IMDb in search of captivating movies—I’m always engrossed in something! Rom-coms and films delving into emotions and relationship dynamics particularly captivate me. I’m drawn to non-commercial art films that explore the intricacies, complexities, and subtleties of romance and human relationships.

Among my favorite shows are Virgin River, Gilmore Girls, Modern Family, and Schitt’s Creek.

Writing is my passion, and my aspiration is to craft novels, script for movies/series/short films, and ultimately, create remarkable cinematic experiences. One day, I aim to delve into filmmaking and storytelling, bringing my creative visions to life!

Music & Music Production

From the ages of 8 to 15, I received Carnatic music vocal training, which significantly influenced my musical preferences during my formative years. This training laid a strong foundation, offering invaluable insights into music that continue to resonate with me. However, I eventually discontinued my lessons. My aspiration is to one day resume this musical journey and pick up where I left off.

Since a young age, my inclination has leaned toward electronic music. My progression in this realm has been extensive—from simply listening to music, desperately wanting to create and design sounds (though facing years of struggles due to unclear direction and a lack of structured learning), to the eventual discovery of Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs). Now, I am delving into understanding various DAW functionalities and beginning to grasp music production concepts.

Currently, I’m immersed in learning to play the guitar, ukulele, guitalele, and my portable 3-octave keyboard. My musical tastes lean toward synthwave, techno, and melodic techno. Additionally, I indulge in watching independent films during my leisure time.

I am a huge Swiftie (fan of Taylor Swift). The narrative songwriting and instrumentals of Taylor Swift and The Gothard Sisters are big inspirations for me.

I’m studying electronic music production, sound design, and synthesis, as well as music technology.


I love playing video games. Some of my favorites include Counter-Strike, Mount & Blade, Hitman, GTA, Need for Speed, Road Rash, Rollcage, Age of Empires, Diablo, Syberia, SWAT, and Far Cry.

My learning style and philosophy

Learning hasn’t been easy or a smooth ride for me, but its challenges have always been worthwhile. Each obstacle and experience has contributed to my self-awareness. It has been important in revealing the pitfalls and difficulties in my learning journey while fostering a resilient attitude towards self-learning. This process has made me more self-aware, giving me a better understanding of the hurdles in instructional design I face when learning.

However, I also believe learning thrives best without rules and structured boundaries—embracing a free-wheeling approach, devoid of rigid structures. This inclination and preference towards self-guided ‘autodidactic’ learning fuels my appreciation for independent, asynchronous, self-regulated learning, allowing me to enjoy studying at my preferred pace.

Additionally, I find that visualizing information significantly enhances my learning experience.

Connect with me

Fun fact about me: I’m a digital native, having grown up with the internet and social media. I aspire to become a digital nomad one day, traveling while working and researching remotely. The introvert and INFJ in me craves exploration, desiring to visit new places, yet maintaining a remote work style.

My personality: It also takes time for me to open up and reveal the layers of my personality, so I often appear quiet and composed to the rest of the world. My friend circle isn’t extensive yet; I prefer one-on-one deep conversations. I’m deeply interested in philosophical and spiritual matters, often contemplating life’s profound questions like emotions, existence, purpose, meaning and empathy. Traveling and meeting new people to hear their life experiences and stories bring me immense joy. I believe that the internet and virtual spaces possess the power to unite people and bring out their best.

Feel free to connect with me via platforms like Twitter, Linkedin, and Medium. I’m prompt with my responses, especially for networking. You can find links to my social media profiles at the top of this webpage. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Medium, and Twitter, or use the form below.

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information above, or send a message using the form given below. All you have to do is enter your name, email and enter your message (Note : Do not forget to hit submit!!). I am very prompt in my replies, and will get back to you as soon as I can.

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