Tobacco Commercialization has already reached 58% | Kohltrade - Brazilian tobacco trading

Tobacco Commercialization has already reached 58%


According to the figures released by AFUBRA during the 72nd Ordinary Meeting of the Sectoral Chamber of the Tobacco Production Chain on the 18th, in Santa Cruz do Sul, 58% of all tobacco production in southern Brazil has already been sold until March 15th.
Romeu Schneider, president of the Chamber, spoke about the prospects for the 23/24 harvest. According to Afubra, tobacco production covers 509 municipalities, involving 133 thousand families. “the average price paid to producers increased by an average of 19.15% compared to the 2022/23 harvest” pointed Schneider.
SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke, presented the 2023 tobacco export results to the participants. According to information from the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce (MDIC/ComexStat), Brazil shipped 512 thousand tons of tobacco, generating US$2,729 billion. I 2024, considering the months of January and February, 75.3 thousand tons were exported, resulting in US$492.7 million.
Tobacco prices boost sales
According to information from Emater -RS, released last week, tobacco prices reach values above R$ 20.00 per kilo for dry leaf, reaching up to R$ 390.00 per arroba for tobacco classified as BO1 in some regions. However, producers expressed concern about the weight of the leaves due to the rainy weather, which tends to be lower than expected. High prices are accelerating the sale of the product. The forecast is to end sales by the end of April, although it normally extends until the end of June.

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