
We Build Partnerships

We connect and collaborate with grassroots leaders, scientists, funders and others, because we recognize the strength – and wisdom – in numbers.

GRACE maximizes our impact by helping to amplify the work of our partners, sharing lessons learned, creating meaningful partnerships and collaborations while supporting the development of emerging leaders.

Our experience has enabled us to play a unique role in bringing together diverse constituencies to break down barriers, tackle tough problems and develop thoughtful, innovative and strategic alliances.

GRACE’s philanthropic work often mirrors our programming and campaigns, and focuses on key issues in food system change, including:

  • Industrial agriculture and its environmental, social and health impacts
  • Sustainable solutions to industrial agriculture, such as regenerative agriculture
  • Aquaculture, including recirculating fish farms and fighting unsustainable methods of fish farming
  • Marine conservation and addressing the problems with plastic pollution
  • Farm training and therapy programs for veterans
We do this work by supporting innovative leaders and organizations, seeding and growing movements and investing in capacity for these movements to thrive.
We aim to help build enduring efforts and to focus resources where they are most needed.