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Regulation 404.04-1

School Closing Due to Hazardous Conditions

  1. Purpose
    1. The purpose of this regulation is to establish procedures for Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) operations during hazardous or inclement weather conditions. This includes procedures for staffing and designates which employees are needed to perform essential work for the School Division.
    2. When, in the judgment of the Division Superintendent (Superintendent), conditions exist which are hazardous to the health and safety of students and employees, the Superintendent shall take appropriate action to include delaying reporting time for all employee groups or by:
      1. Delaying the opening of schools (two-hour delay for students);
      2. Dismissing employees and/or students early from school (early closing);
      3. Closing school for the entire day (Code Green or Code Red);
      4. Closing school buildings and operating virtually (Code Orange); or
      5. Taking other action necessary to safeguard the health and safety of students and employees.
    3. In the event that any of the above actions are taken, the Superintendent shall make appropriate adjustments in the pupil transportation system and communicate necessary information to employees, students, parents, and the community-at-large.
    4. In the event of hazardous conditions within individual schools, principals shall take necessary action to safeguard the health and safety of students and employees. See Section IX, C for the decision-making procedure.
    5. Information on school closings, delayed openings, or early closings can be found on Twitter @PWCSNews, Facebook, PWCS webpage, PWCS TV channel, as well as email and texts to mobile phones of parents/guardians provided as emergency contacts. The news media will be informed as soon as a decision is made. Principals and school staff are responsible for learning of the decision from these sources.
  2. Definitions
    1. Liberal leave: Employees may request approval to take liberal leave in the event of extreme weather or a similar emergency, which prevents them from safely reporting to work (in-person or virtually) or remaining at work for their scheduled time during a Code Orange or Code Green, delayed opening, or early release. Employees will be charged paid leave (i.e., annual, non-paid vacation time, or personal) or receive leave without pay. Employees who are not eligible for annual leave may be approved to use sick leave when liberal leave is in effect (See Regulation 542-9, “Liberal Leave”).
    2. Non-exempt employee: Employee who is eligible to earn overtime for hours physically worked over 40 hours in a workweek, in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). In PWCS, regular non-exempt employees are identified as “classified” staff and are on pay grades 1 to 11 and receive Code Red/Orange/Green Pay as defined in Section D. Non-exempt temporary staff are only paid for hours physically worked, and are ineligible for Code Red/Orange/Green Pay as defined in Section D.
    3. Inclement weather employees: Staff designated as critical or essential to the operation of the Division and whose presence at work may be required regardless of the existence of an emergency condition or Division closing. These inclement weather employees shall report at times specified to perform essential duties as dictated by the event.
    4. Code Red/Orange Pay: On Code Red or Code Orange days, and when working after all staff have been released early due to inclement weather, or when called in during a weekend or holiday to prepare for a school opening due to inclement weather, a classified employee (not temporary staff) required or approved to work onsite shall earn one and one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate. This pay is in addition to the employee’s normal salary. The time and a half rate applies regardless of hours worked during the workweek, as well as other time worked during the weather event (non-working days that are part of the inclement weather event, as approved by the Superintendent or designee). Non-exempt temporary staff are only paid for hours physically worked, and are ineligible for Code Red/Orange Pay.
    5. Code Green Pay: For inclement weather employees, when working onsite on Code Green days prior to the official Division open time, a classified employee (not temporary staff) required or approved to work onsite shall earn one and one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate. This pay is in addition to the employee’s normal salary. The time and a half rate applies regardless of hours worked during the workweek, as well as other time worked during the weather event (non-working days that are part of the inclement weather event, as approved by the Superintendent or designee). Non-exempt temporary staff are only paid for hours physically worked, and are ineligible for Code Green pay.
  3. School Closings/Delays and After-School Activities

    The following closing/delay designations are used to inform employees of reporting to work or leaving early due to hazardous or inclement weather conditions. Notification is made to the news media at the same time changes in the schedule are announced.
    Code Red Schools closed for students. Employees do not report for work unless designated as inclement weather employees. Inclement weather employees shall report at times specified to perform essential duties as dictated by the event.
    Code Orange School buildings and office buildings closed. Virtual instruction (synchronous or asynchronous) and services are delivered remotely, on a normal school day schedule unless otherwise noted. All employees on the teacher scale are required to employ telework to provide remote instruction (synchronous or asynchronous). All administrators and all classified employees are required to telework during normal work hours. Employees whose jobs cannot be done remotely (e.g., Food and Nutrition, Transportation, and Facilities) will receive specific instructions from their supervisor.
    Code Green Schools closed for students. Certain administrators and employees, specifically designated as inclement weather personnel, shall report at times specified to perform essential duties as dictated by the event. All administrators (pay grade 13 and higher) and 250-day classified employees shall report for work at the specific time designated by the Superintendent (See Attachment I). Liberal leave is in effect. Teachers (all grade 12 employees) and all non-exempt employees on less than a 250-day calendar do not report.
    Two-Hour Delay Schools shall open on a two-hour delay schedule. Inclement weather employees and Food and Nutrition staff report on time. Teachers (all grade 12 employees) and all non-exempt employees that work less than 250 days report to work on a two-hour delay. Administrators and 250-day classified employees report one hour late. Bus drivers, bus attendants, route managers, and dispatchers shall report on a one-hour delay (see Section III., C., 4.). Liberal leave is in effect.
    Early Closing Schools shall close early. Teachers, teacher assistants, library media, sign language interpreters, and school nurses (employees whose primary responsibility is working with students) may be excused early by the Principal after students have safely departed. All other employees shall remain on their normal work schedule unless specifically excused by an announcement from the Superintendent. Liberal leave is in effect.
    1. Code Red:
      1. Schools are closed and all school activities (day and evening) are cancelled. School buses shall not operate. The School Age Child Care (SACC) program shall not open.
      2. Employees shall not report for work. Certain administrators and employees, specifically designated as inclement weather personnel, shall report at times specified to perform essential duties as dictated by the event.
      3. All non-school activities (day and evening) are cancelled including Adult Education, night school classes, and recreational programs scheduled in school buildings. The announcement of cancellation of Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) classes is the responsibility of the college.
      4. The Aquatics Center may not close due to Code Red. The classified employees that are required to work shall receive Code Red/Orange/Green Pay. Temporary staff shall receive their regular hourly rate of pay. Any changes to the hours of operation shall be posted on the Aquatics Center’s website.
    2. Code Orange:
      1. Schools and office buildings are closed. Virtual instruction (synchronous or asynchronous) and services are delivered remotely, on a normal school day schedule unless otherwise noted. School buses shall not operate. The SACC program shall not open.
      2. All in-person school activities (day and evening) are canceled including field trips, team practices, club meetings, interscholastic contests, and athletic contests. Remote activities may occur.
      3. Inclement weather personnel must report on time to perform essential work, such as snow removal.
      4. All administrators (pay grade 13 and higher) and all classified employees shall telework during normal work hours. Employees whose jobs cannot be done remotely (e.g., Food and Nutrition, Transportation, and Facilities) will receive specific instruction from their supervisor.
      5. All employees on the teacher salary scale (pay grade 12) shall employ telework and provide remote instruction (synchronous or asynchronous), following the normal school day schedule unless otherwise noted.
      6. Liberal leave is in effect. In the event of extreme weather or a similar emergency which prevents them from safely reporting (physically or remotely) employees unable to telework or report in-person may request approval to take leave.
      7. Professional development activities may occur remotely. The department or school sponsoring the activity shall provide information regarding professional development requirements to their respective staff members.
      8. All non-school activities (day and evening) are cancelled, including Adult Education, night school classes, and recreational programs scheduled in school buildings. The announcement of cancellation of NVCC classes is the responsibility of the college.
      9. The Aquatics Center’s hours of operation shall be posted on its website.
    3. Code Green:
      1. Schools are closed for students and all school activities (day and evening) are cancelled. The SACC program shall not open. School buses shall not operate. Rare exceptions may be made for certain activities that cannot be rescheduled or on days when the weather improves. Such exceptions must be approved by the Superintendent or appropriate Level Associate Superintendent.
      2. Certain administrators and employees, specifically designated as inclement weather personnel, shall report at times specified to perform essential duties as dictated by the event. Compensation will be time and a half of the employee’s regular pay. This pay is in addition to the employee’s normal salary. The Code Green Pay is in effect until the specific Division opening time as designated by the Superintendent.
      3. All administrators (pay grade 13 and higher) and 250-day classified employees shall report for work at a specific time given by the Superintendent, or shall contact their supervisor to request appropriate leave if they are unable to report for work (Regulation 542-9, “Liberal Leave”).
      4. All employees on the teacher salary scale (pay grade 12) and all non-exempt employees on less than 250-day calendars shall not report for work.
      5. All non-school activities (day and evening) are cancelled, including Adult Education, night school classes, and recreational programs scheduled in school buildings. The announcement of cancellation of NVCC classes is the responsibility of the college.
      6. The Aquatics Center’s hours of operation shall be posted on its website.
    4. Two-Hour Delayed Opening
      1. Inclement weather personnel (e.g., custodial staff, specific facilities workers, and bus maintenance staff) shall report at normal time. See Section V., A. for the list of positions identified as inclement weather personnel.
      2. Food and Nutrition employees shall report on time.
      3. All administrators (pay grade 13 and above) and 250-day classified employees shall report to work one hour late or at a specific time designated by the Superintendent, or shall contact their supervisor to request appropriate leave if they are unable to report to work (Regulation 542-9, “Liberal Leave”).
      4. Bus drivers, bus attendants, route managers, and dispatchers shall report on a one-hour delay.
      5. All other employees, not identified in 1-4 above, shall report on a two-hour delay.
      6. Classified staff shall not be compensated for more than their daily work schedule as defined by the payroll system, unless they physically work hours beyond their normal work day.
      7. A simplified breakfast shall be offered. Field trips are cancelled. Athletic trips may be approved by the appropriate Level Associate Superintendent and the Director of Transportation on an individual basis, depending on the road conditions.
      8. Lunch shall be served.
      9. Parents/guardians shall not bring students to school early when a delayed opening is in effect because school staff members may also be delayed in getting to school.
      10. SACC shall be delayed two hours.
      11. The Aquatics Center’s hours of operation shall be posted on its website.
      12. In periods of very severe weather, some parents/guardians may consider roads and sidewalks in their area unsafe for travel by students. In those instances, parents/guardians have the option of not sending their child to school. However, the student is expected to make up all assignments. In addition, the student will not be penalized academically, and the student will be given an excused absence.
    5. Early Closing
      1. One-Hour Early Closing
        1. Bus runs shall be in regular order. There shall be no change in the preschool mid-day time schedule.
        2. Lunch shall be served.
        3. Field and athletic trips are cancelled.
        4. The after-school SACC program shall not open.
        5. Teachers, teacher assistants, and library media assistants, sign language interpreters, and school nurses (employees whose primary responsibility is working with students) may be excused early by the principal after students have safely departed the building and grounds. These employees shall only be credited for up to one hour for the early release. Classified staff shall not be compensated for more than their daily work schedule as defined by the payroll system, unless they physically work hours beyond their normal work day.
        6. Administrative staff and all other non-exempt employees shall remain on their normal work schedule unless specifically excused by an announcement from the Superintendent.
        7. Employees unable to remain at work due to weather conditions shall contact their supervisor to request appropriate leave (Regulation 542-9, “Liberal Leave”).
        8. All day and evening non-school activities are cancelled. Announcement of cancellation of NVCC classes is the responsibility of the college.
        9. The Superintendent reserves the right to designate a School Division closing time.
      2. Two-Hour Early Closing
        1. Bus runs shall be in regular order. If the announcement of closing is prior to the afternoon preschool bus pick up time, the afternoon session is cancelled.
        2. Morning preschool and full-day preschool students shall be dismissed two hours earlier than the regular schedule. There shall be no afternoon preschool.
        3. Field trips are cancelled unless already departed. Recall efforts are to be initiated. Late activity and athletic bus runs are cancelled.
        4. The after-school SACC program shall not open.
        5. Lunch is to be served (on an alternate schedule if necessary).
        6. Teachers, teacher assistants, library media assistants, sign language interpreters, and school nurses (employees whose primary responsibility is working with students) may be excused early by the principal after the children have safely departed the building and grounds. These employees shall only be credited for up to two hours for the early release. Classified staff shall not be compensated for more than their daily work schedule as defined by the payroll system, unless they physically work hours beyond their normal work day.
        7. Administrative staff and all other non-exempt employees shall remain on the normal work schedule unless specifically excused by an announcement from the Superintendent.
        8. Employees unable to remain at work due to weather conditions shall contact their supervisor to request appropriate leave (Regulation 542-9, “Liberal Leave”).
        9. All non-school activities (day and evening) are cancelled. Announcement of cancellation of NVCC classes is the responsibility of the college.
        10. The Superintendent reserves the right to designate a School Division closing time for all employees.
    6. Cancellation of Activities and Evening Programs

      Some weather conditions or other situations may occur after school has been dismissed, or during non-school days (weekends/holidays), but in the interest of safety, all activities may be cancelled. When this occurs on a school day, the SACC program shall close at 5 p.m.
  4. Telework
    1. During all Code Red and Code Green closing situations, teaching staff may voluntarily elect, but are not required, to employ “telework” or other work-at-home strategies to enter data, grade student papers, or otherwise supplement their normal work efforts (per Regulation 561-1, “Telework”). Time spent in this manner is strictly voluntary and shall not be counted against contract hours or otherwise compensated.
    2. As non-exempt staff must be compensated for all work done on behalf of the School Division, they are prohibited from engaging in “telework” or other work-at-home strategies except as described in a Code Orange closing, without the express, advance approval of their supervisor. See Regulation 561-1, “Telework.” Further special instructions related to unscheduled closings or delayed openings are listed below.
  5. Inclement Weather Employees
    1. Inclement weather employees are staff who have been designated as critical or essential to the operation of the Division and whose presence may be required regardless of the existence of an emergency condition or Division closing, and whose absence from duty could endanger the safety or well-being of the Division and/or facilities. These inclement weather employees shall report at times specified to perform essential duties as dictated by the event.
    2. Inclement weather positions that ensure the safety of our students, employees, and Division property include: (asterisk * denotes “as needed”)
      1. Executive Cabinet*
      2. School-based/Central Office Administrators*
      3. School-based/Central Office Custodians
      4. Specific Facilities positions*
      5. Specific Transportation positions*
      6. Specific Warehouse positions*
      7. School Security Patrol
      8. School Security Officer*
      9. Community Security Officer*
    3. School administrators and department directors shall be responsible for ensuring that those declared individuals know, in advance and prior to any inclement weather conditions, that they have been identified as inclement weather employees for the operations of the Division.
    4. While this regulation provides guidelines for the identification of inclement weather employees, the Superintendent, the Executive Cabinet, and directors have the ultimate discretion to add or remove personnel from this list because of extenuating business needs, unforeseeable circumstances, or other justifiable matters of significance.
    5. Inclement weather employees who are required but fail to report to work during an inclement weather event (unless on approved leave) may be subject to disciplinary action.
    6. All employees designated as inclement weather personnel are determined and approved based on a list of positions trained to perform emergency functions throughout the Division. This list is established prior to the beginning of each fiscal year and staff are notified in writing.
  6. Second Shift Employees

    The following instructions pertain to custodians and other second shift employees who remain in school buildings during the evening following a regular school day:
    1. When the weather begins to deteriorate after the regular school day, and in the interest of employee safety, the Superintendent may authorize the early release of custodial employees and any other second shift employees due to hazardous and inclement weather conditions. The Superintendent or designee shall specify the early release at a specific closure time. When this occurs, the impacted staff will be compensated for the remainder of their scheduled day from the time of the early release.
    2. The school and custodial personnel shall make every effort to be prepared for the building opening the following day prior to release.
    3. Classified inclement weather employees, who work after the Superintendent has designated a specific closure time, shall be compensated for the remainder of their regularly scheduled work day from the time of the closure. In addition, they shall earn a rate equal to one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for hours worked beyond the designated closure time. This pay is in addition to the employee’s normal salary.
  7. School Division Time and Attendance System

    The Division has the discretionary authority to determine how to post time when it closes or delays opening because of inclement weather conditions. The following guidelines shall be used:
    1. Classified employees, who have been designated as inclement weather employees, and who work during inclement weather closings, to include a weekend day or holiday to prepare for a school opening, shall clock in and out of the Division’s time and attendance system. The hours worked onsite during a Code Red or Code Orange closing, and hours worked onsite prior to the official Division open time designated by the Superintendent on a Code Green, shall be paid at a rate equal to one and one-half times their regular rate of pay (Code Red/Orange/Green Pay). This pay is in addition to the employee’s normal salary. Hours worked after the official Division opening time during a Code Green are at the employee’s regular rate of pay, with no additional compensation for reporting to work.
    2. Non-exempt temporary staff are only paid for hours physically worked and are ineligible for Code Red/Orange/Green Pay.
    3. An employee who has not completed his or her scheduled hours when the Division closes shall receive credit for the remainder of the employee’s workday.
    4. If an employee is on approved leave and the Division has a delayed opening, a Code Red or Code Green closing, or an early release, the employee shall receive credit (if applicable for the specific employee group) for the hours granted for the emergency closure up to the employee’s workday, as defined by the payroll system of record, with a corresponding adjustment to the employee’s leave balance.
    5. When an employee is scheduled to attend a conference (e.g., presenting or attending training) on a Code Red, Orange, or Green day, attendance is at the discretion of the employee and the employee’s supervisor. No additional compensation over the employee’s regular rate of pay shall be paid.
  8. School Board Meeting
    1. In the event of inclement weather, or other emergency circumstances, resulting in the early dismissal or closing of schools by the Superintendent, the Clerk of the School Board shall initiate a poll of the School Board members to determine whether the meeting shall be cancelled or postponed pursuant to the procedures set forth in Policy 137, “Polling of the Prince William County School Board.”
    2. If the School Board decides to hold the meeting on a Code Red or Orange day or after an early dismissal, the Superintendent shall determine which employees will report, keeping the safety of employees in mind. If the Superintendent declares a Code Red or Code Orange, classified employees required to work onsite shall earn one and one-half times their regular hourly rate. This pay is in addition to the employee’s normal salary.
  9. Decision-making and Communication
    1. The decision to delay school openings, close schools on Code Red, Orange, or Green, or release early is reserved for the Superintendent (or designee).
    2. The decision to close schools on Code Red, Orange, or Green because of adverse road conditions shall be based upon recommendations of the Director of Transportation and the Chief Operating Officer.
    3. Principals or directors who have reasons for wanting to close one or more schools because of other adverse conditions shall make the recommendation to the appropriate Level Associate Superintendent. The Level Associate Superintendent shall make the recommendation to the Superintendent (or designee) in consultation with the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Human Resources Officer. The Superintendent (or designee) shall make the final decision.
    4. Although principals and appropriate supervisors are responsible for the health and safety of personnel and for the protection of property during emergencies, the use of overtime for classified employees shall be restricted to the minimum amount required to deal with emergency situations.
    5. The decision to close school under Code Red, Orange, or Green or to delay school openings shall be made as many hours in advance as possible. Except in unusual circumstances demanding emergency measures, the decision shall be made the night before, or not later than 4:30 a.m. on the morning of a closing or delay. This will enable advance notification by the Chief Information Officer (or designee) to parents/guardians, staff, and students.
    6. Early closings of schools already in session shall be announced by the Chief Information Officer (or designee) to the news media. The message shall also be transmitted to schools and staff departments by using a telephone tree and email from central office staff employees.
    7. When schools are required to close early for reasons that are not obvious to the general public, e.g., individual power failures or water shortages, it is the responsibility of principals to have an alert system such as an automated voice message/email developed to notify parents and childcare providers. This process is particularly important for elementary students.
  10. Exceptions

    The Superintendent reserves the right to make exceptions to this regulation as deemed appropriate.

The Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Level Associate Superintendents, the Chief Information Officer, and the Chief Financial Officer (or designees) are responsible for implementing and monitoring this regulation.

This regulation and related policy shall be reviewed at least every five years and revised as needed.
