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Michalis Kamburelis edited this page Jan 17, 2019 · 6 revisions

Reusing existing glTF 2.0 standard ideas is the right course of action here, IMHO:

  • binary buffers, that can be read fast from file,
  • and are develivered in a straightforward fashion to GPU.
  • No need to intepret the binary data on the browser/player side. It's just a binary blob that we read from file and send to GPU.

Older X3D binary encoding is not a full solution to this:

  • X3D binary encoding gives us fast parsing and better compression. But that's not our only desire.
  • The goal is fast delivery to GPU, with interleaved data. As far as I know, X3D binary encoding doesn't provide this.
  • As a practical note: X3D binary encoding is unfortunately not popular enough. E.g. Blender exporter cannot generate such models, I don't think anyone ever made a Blender exporter that supports X3D binary encoding. In contrast, glTF export (with binary buffers) is provider by Blender exporters from Khronos (both for Blender <= 2.79 and Blender >= 2.80).

X3DOM: For users, they present ExternalGeometry and Shape Resource Containers, see .

Internally, they present a new node, BufferView (previously: BufferGometryView).

Example how does glTF mesh translates to BufferGeometry in X3D

The text below comes from Andreas Plesch (thousand thanks for this valuable info!) mail on x3d-public (2018-11-24, thread "Re: [x3d-public] glTF Importing [was: X3D working group meeting minutes16 NOV 2018]")

It may be instructive to see an example of how currently x3dom is adding glTF to the X3D scene graph. Here is how a glTF of a single triangle becomes an X3D child of the inline node:

<inline url=""
namespacename="gltf" mapdeftoid="true">
  <transform id="gltf__NODE0" def="NODE0">
        <physicalmaterial basecolorfactor="1 0.766 0.336 1"
metallicfactor="0.5" roughnessfactor="0.1" emissivefactor="0 0 0"
alphamode="OPAQUE" alphacutoff="0.5" model="roughnessMetallic"
diffusefactor="1,1,1,1" specularfactor="1,1,1" glossinessfactor="1"
normalspace="TANGENT" normalbias="-1,-1,1"
      <buffergeometry buffer="simpleTriangle.bin" position="0.5 0.5 0"
size="1 1 0" vertexcount="3" primtype="TRIANGLES">
        <buffergeometryaccessor buffertype="INDEX" view="0"
byteoffset="0" bytestride="0" components="1" componenttype="5123"
       <buffergeometryaccessor buffertype="POSITION" view="1"
byteoffset="0" bytestride="0" components="3" componenttype="5126"
        <buffergeometryview target="34963" byteoffset="0"
bytelength="6" id="gltf__0"></buffergeometryview>
        <buffergeometryview target="34962" byteoffset="8"
bytelength="36" id="gltf__1"></buffergeometryview>

(buffergeometryaccessor/view became just bufferaccessor/view:

and here is the glTF json :

{  "scenes" : [
    {  "nodes" : [ 0 ] }
  "nodes" : [
    { "mesh" : 0 }
  "meshes" : [
      "primitives" : [ {
        "attributes" : { "POSITION" : 1 },
        "indices" : 0,
        "material" : 0
      } ]
  "buffers" : [
      "uri" : "simpleTriangle.bin",
      "byteLength" : 44
  "bufferViews" : [
      "buffer" : 0,
      "byteOffset" : 0,
      "byteLength" : 6,
      "target" : 34963
      "buffer" : 0,
      "byteOffset" : 8,
      "byteLength" : 36,
      "target" : 34962
  "accessors" : [
      "bufferView" : 0,
      "byteOffset" : 0,
      "componentType" : 5123,
      "count" : 3,
      "type" : "SCALAR",
      "max" : [ 2 ],
      "min" : [ 0 ]
      "bufferView" : 1,
      "byteOffset" : 0,
      "componentType" : 5126,
      "count" : 3,
      "type" : "VEC3",
      "max" : [ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
      "min" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    } ],
  "materials" : [
      "pbrMetallicRoughness": {
        "baseColorFactor": [ 1.000, 0.766, 0.336, 1.0 ],
        "metallicFactor": 0.5,
        "roughnessFactor": 0.1
    } ],
  "asset" : { "version" : "2.0" }

BufferGeometry references the binary data (file or dataurl or objecturl). It was most natural to also introduce the accessor/view nodes which define how the referenced data is interpreted. It is then up to the implementation how the binary data is used for rendering etc.

has a simple animation of translation. It gets translated to this:

<transform id="gltf__NODE3" def="NODE3">
<transform id="gltf__NODE0" def="NODE0" translation="0,0,0">
  <transform id="gltf__NODE1" def="NODE1">
    <transform rotation="0 0 0 6.283185307179586" id="gltf__NODE2" def="NODE2" >

<timesensor loop="true" cycleinterval="3.708329916000366"
def="clockANI0" enabled="true" first="true"

<orientationinterpolator def="interANI0CH0" key="sampler.input.array"
keyvalue="sampler.output.array" buffer="BoxAnimated0.bin"
  <buffergeometryaccessor buffertype="SAMPLER_INPUT" view="2"
byteoffset="0" bytestride="0" components="1" componenttype="5126"
  <buffergeometryaccessor buffertype="SAMPLER_OUTPUT" view="3"
byteoffset="0" bytestride="0" components="4" componenttype="5126"
  <buffergeometryview target="undefined" byteoffset="7760"
bytelength="24" id="gltf__2"></buffergeometryview>
  <buffergeometryview target="undefined" byteoffset="0"
bytelength="32" id="gltf__3"></buffergeometryview>

<route fromfield="fraction_changed" fromnode="clockANI0"
tofield="set_fraction" tonode="interANI0CH0"></route>

<route fromfield="value_changed" fromnode="interANI0CH0"
tofield="set_rotation" tonode="NODE2"></route>

<positioninterpolator def="interANI0CH1" key="sampler.input.array"
keyvalue="sampler.output.array" buffer="BoxAnimated0.bin"
  <buffergeometryaccessor buffertype="SAMPLER_INPUT" view="2"
byteoffset="8" bytestride="0" components="1" componenttype="5126"
  <buffergeometryaccessor buffertype="SAMPLER_OUTPUT" view="4"
byteoffset="0" bytestride="0" components="3" componenttype="5126"
  <buffergeometryview target="undefined" byteoffset="7760"
bytelength="24" id="gltf__2"></buffergeometryview>
  <buffergeometryview target="undefined" byteoffset="32"
bytelength="48" id="gltf__4"></buffergeometryview>

<route fromfield="fraction_changed" fromnode="clockANI0"
tofield="set_fraction" tonode="interANI0CH1"></route>

<route fromfield="value_changed" fromnode="interANI0CH1"
tofield="set_translation" tonode="NODE0"></route>

Here, the glTF animation can be faithfully translated to TimeSensor/Interpolator/ROUTE combos with the addition that the interpolators take their key and keyValue field values from the binary buffer accessor nodes as well, if there is a buffer field value.

For x3dom and perhaps other implementations it seemed most natural to introduce these binary access nodes for glTF loading and perhaps other use.

From a specification perspective, however, introducing new nodes is something which needs to be carefully considered and is hard to do well. For example, it may be more appropriate to introduce new interpolator nodes rather than extending the existing ones.

So from a specification perspective it is attractive to not expose how the glTF scene is actually represented in the X3D scene graph and essentially keep it a black box. The spec. language could then even boil down to allowing glTF content and only referring to glTF to how the content should be rendered and animated. Implementation are then of course still free to use internal nodes and potentially expose them but in a non-standardized way.

But most glTF features do not require new X3D nodes to be represented in the scene graph, and an ability to import those is very useful, probably expected by authors and not too hard to implement since all pieces are already in place. From a specification perspective this ability then would need to be very well defined, again requiring careful selection of what can be imported and how. Other formats such jpeg or nrrd, though simpler, are already referenced in the spec., so I think it may be possible for the spec. to be precise on how certain glTF features get absorbed into a X3D scene.

For example, glTF "nodes" can be directly represented by named X3D Transform nodes, and glTF cameras by X3D Viewpoint nodes. The exported DEF names could be the glTF names (perhaps with a prefix) where provided or a unique constructed name using the index from the glTF ('gltfTRANFORM_0') where not provided.

Perhaps that is all which could be required in a spec. in terms of interplay between glTF and X3D.

It is less clear how glTF animations should be required to be absorbed into X3D from a spec perspective. One approach is as shown which requires a named TimeSensor for each animation (which can target different channels in glTF). The DEF name would be after the index in the glTF animations array ('gltfCLOCK_0'). But implementations may choose to not use a TimeSensor/Interpolator/Route combo and use a more direct approach. I suppose then still a virtual TimeSensor could be required to be exported to provide an interface for the animation.

If PhysicalMaterial gets picked up by X3D, it would become the node to represent the glTF material, also named after the index ('gltfMaterial_0').

I hope to find the time and strength at some point to compare glTF skinned skeleton animation with HAnim animation. I think they are largely compatible.

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