Registry of Sales and Use Tax Numbers

The Registry of Sales and Use Tax Numbers contains the names and account ID and SST IDs, as applicable, of all active sales and use tax accounts maintained in the Department's records.

This database may not contain taxpayers who registered with the Department but are not required to file sales and use tax returns. If you are unable to determine the status of an account using this search function you can contact the Department toll-free at 1-877-252-3052 for additional assistance.

Account ID/SST ID #:  
Taxpayer Name:  
Number of Results:  

Enter an account ID number, SST ID number or a name for a taxpayer in one of the fields above and press the 'Submit' button to search for account information.  You can control the amount of search results that you will receive by changing the number in the 'Number of Results' box (enter '0' to see all available results). There is a limit of 500 results returned.

If you search by account ID, you must enter the complete nine-digit sales and use tax account ID number.  If you search by SST ID, you must enter the complete number beginning with an "S" followed by an eight-digit number.

If you search by taxpayer name, you must enter the complete name as it appears in our database.  Our search function allows wildcards before and after a phrase or word. You may use an * if you are uncertain of the exact name.  For example the entry 'DOE*' would return 'DOE INC' and 'DOE JOHN'.  The entry '*DOE*' would return 'JOHN DOE INC'.

Searches by taxpayer name for individuals require that you enter the last name followed by the first name or use an *.   For example to find 'JANE DOE', enter 'DOE JANE', 'DOE*', or '*JANE'.