Enrich FAQ

Enrich is a web-based software program that provides student performance information on standardized test results to teachers and school administrators. It consists of a searchable database of student test data that is integrated with your district Student Information System (SIS). 

Enrich Support: SEIEnrichSupport@FrontlineED.com

Enrich Data Collection Process Overview

  1. SCDE publishes queries and validation rules to district Enrich systems
  2. Enrich works by importing data from the district's SIS (Powerschool) through a nightly into the Enrich collections database.
  3. District users sign in to Enrich locally and run data collections at the district level. Data Collections can be ran manually or be automated. Note: it is recommended to automate collections
  4. During the collection process districts can view validation issues locally and correct any errors
  5. Once districts have resolved validation errors, data files are sent to the SCDE
  6. State level validations are run by the SCDE and the results are reported. (Repeat as needed)
  7. Collections are closed at the end of a collection period and moved to SCDE repository

Benefits of Enrich Data Collection

  • SQL queries are viewable by district 

  • Can run manually or schedule to run nightly
  • Validation reports emailed to staff (at district and schools)
  • District controls when data is sent (manually or automated)
  • Submission sends changes only (saves time during re-sends)
  • Uses existing Enrich/PowerSchool connection

Other Resources

Enrich Assess KnowledgeHub
Enrich Knowledge Hub lists updates and product release notes.

SIS Data Collection - Enrich Assess KnowledgeHub
SIS data collection overview.

Resource Documents

Configure SIS Data Collection Email Notifications in Enrich
Instructions on configuring the SIS Data Collection email notifications in Enrich
Disabling Data Collection Auto Collect and Submit
Instructions on how to disable the auto collect/submit function in Enrich Assess.
Frequently Found Error Messages
Most commonly found error messages and their solutions.
How to Verify the SCDE has Received Your Data
Instructions on verifing data has been received by the South Carolina Department of Education
How will I submit my assessment collection data?
How to submit Assessment Collection Data
Setting Up Auto Collect Submit
How to configure and enable automated collect and submit features in Enrich.