Britain | A tremor in the force

Cyberwarfare is all in the mind, says Britain

An interview with the commander of the National Cyber Force

James Babbage GCHQ
The name’s Babbage. James BabbageImage: GCHQ

“IT IS THE deterrent rocket force of our age,” gushed one columnist. “Cyber divisions are worth more than aircraft carrier[s] or nuclear weapons.” He was referring to Britain’s National Cyber Force (ncf), created in 2020 with a mission to “disrupt, deny, degrade” in cyberspace. Now the ncf is opening up to dispel such fantasies.

On April 4th it published “Responsible Cyber Power in Practice”, which explains in 28 pages how Britain views the purpose and principles of “offensive cyber”. On the same day it revealed its commander’s identity. James Babbage has spent nearly 30 years at gchq, Britain’s signals-intelligence agency. Mr Babbage gave his first interview to The Economist.

This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "All in the mind"

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