The Retreat
at Malibu
(The Video)

Join us Memorial Day Weekend 2024!

Don't miss this chance to get away to spend time with Jesus, in worship and with other young adults with hearts like yours.

Save your spot today!


The $$

The cost of the Retreat (including the boat ride to Malibu, food, activities and more) is $480. We know that might seem like a lot but we don't want finances to keep you from being able to come to Malibu with us. So we've worked it out so you can pay with one payment or in four smaller ones to make this doable for everyone. Also, if you want help raising Malibu money, let us know and we can help for sure. Just click below to save your spot for this unforgettable retreat. Let us know if you have any questions!

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Invite your Young Adults community:

Young adults and YA ministries from all over the United States are gathering together to give God time and space to move in our hearts and lives!

Want to invite your community?

Worship & Leaders

Maryanne J. George


Maryanne Joshua George is a Grammy Award-winning, multi-faceted Christian artist who makes her home in her native New York City. She writes ... 

" might know me from Maverick City Music. We’ve written songs together, recorded a few albums, did a little touring, and won some awards. In October 2021, I recorded and released my debut EP, Not Just Stories. It was a grounding album, centered on the tenets of worship: surrender, devotion and sacrifice. It was a culmination of my spiritual journey with Jesus. It charted nationally. These were dreams I didn’t know were possible for a brown girl like me. But God made them happen.

I’m grateful you’re here. I hope you’ve been able to witness Jesus throughout my journey. My prayer is that my life would be an altar, and my songs, a sacrifice. He’s been good to me."

Stewart Sonneland


Author of The Way Home, Stewart Sonneland served for over 40 years in Young Life as both a volunteer and staff member. During that time, Stewart has spoken to, and walked alongside, thousands of young people. In that endeavor, he's worked to help them navigate the difficult waters between adolescence and adulthood, helping them find and grow in a personal relationship with Jesus.

Three years ago, Stewart launched, and now helps lead, a ministry for 18-25 year-olds called The Well in Spokane, Washington. "It's been amazing to see how the Holy Spirit has transformed hearts and lives at The Well. We're incredibly grateful for what God has done and is doing."

Stewart and his wife, Patty (married 43 years! :-), love to travel, especially if that means spending time with their children and grandchildren.

Janele Lane


Janele is a certified Christian Life Coach with several years of leadership & ministry experience. After playing Division 1 volleyball graduating with her Bachelors, she spent 3 years in the modeling & fashion industry in NYC & LA, before bowing out to pursue the adventure of a lifetime following Jesus.

Most recently, she has been a part of international Church planting in Switzerland & The Go & Tell Movement with Ignite Europe. Alongside her husband Taylor, she leads the annual Walk for Freedom to combat human trafficking in Spokane, WA.

Janele is passionate about speaking to young adults on topics like identity, relationships, purpose and freedom in Christ. She leads full time for the Well International Ministries for 18-25 years olds.