Health & Safety

The Caruso Health & Safety Standards documents our policies and procedures in response to COVID-19. Our mission is to protect staff, guests and tenants from the impact of illness or transmission and ensure a safe, secure environment for all.


Caruso has engaged Dr. Neha Nanda, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Medical Director of Infection Prevention & Antimicrobial Stewardship at Keck Medicine of USC, and worked in close collaboration with thought leaders across various industries, in order to bring together a best-in-class approach to providing a safe and secure environment for everyone.

The protocol represents a baseline operating standard for all Caruso properties across retail, residential, office, resort and restaurant. The Caruso Health & Safety Protocol is a live document that will be updated in real time in response to government regulations and CDC recommendations.




Caruso has engaged Dr. Neha Nanda, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Medical Director of Infection Prevention & Antimicrobial Stewardship at Keck Medicine of USC, and worked in close collaboration with thought leaders across various industries, in order to bring together a best-in-class approach to providing a safe and secure environment for everyone.

The protocol represents a baseline operating standard for all Caruso properties across retail, residential, office, resort and restaurant. The Caruso Health & Safety Protocol is a live document that will be updated in real time in response to government regulations and CDC recommendations.