
Mailbagit includes a very basic graphical user interface (GUI)

If mailbagit is installed you should be able to run the GUI by entering the mailbagit-gui command. The mailbagit GUI is currently not supported while running in a docker container.

Download and install mailbagit. Download a sample MBOX file for training and testing.


The mailbagit GUI currently has severe accessibility limitations. Most notably, when using a screen reader with mailbagit-gui the tab key does not change the focus to the input fields. Once you click into the scrollable window, the tab key does work. The multi-option derivatives field is also not accessible using a keyboard and requires clicking with a mouse.

This is due to accessibility issues with underlying dependencies wxPython and wxWidgets, and unfortunately, we don’t have the capacity to do much about it.

Instead, we suggest using the “guided” command line option, which should provide accessible access and may be easier for users without command line experience.

Mailbagit GUI on Windows

There is a known issue where the GUI does not fully run on Windows using the mailbagit-gui command. It will boot and lets you enter options but then fails to run when you click “Start.”

The GUI will run on Windows without this issue using the mailbagit-gui.exe executables.

If you are running it natively with python, you can also try creating a file called with the contents:

from mailbagit import gui

You should then be able to run the GUI with python3

Using mailbagit-gui

Screenshot of the mailbagit GUI.


Enter the path to email to be packaged into a mailbag. This can be a single file or a directory containing a number of email exports.

Relative paths from where maibagit-gui was launched are supported, but you may want to use the complete path, such as:



Descriptions for additional arguments.