Virtual Testing Days

The Mailbag Project team plans to hold multiple events where interested users can get together remotely and experiment using mailbagit with guidance from the project team.

We will walk though installing and using mailbagit and participants will then have an opportunity for hands-on use with processing email. Project Team members will also be available for questions and feedback.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own email data to use or experiment with provided datasets.

Register for one of the following dates:

May 27th, 2022 at 2pm-4pm Eastern Time

June 8th, 2022 at 10am-12pm Eastern Time


Virtual Testing Day slides

Virtual Testing Days Docker image and Jupyter notebook

If you have Docker installed, you can use the Virtual Testing Day docker image which includes sample data and a Jupyter Notebook. The Github repo contains instuctions on how to pull and run this locally.