Call for Contributors (closed)

The Mailbag project team is seeking community members interested in contributing to the mailbagit tool. This is open to those with Python experience looking to address known issues or review existing code, as well as non-coders interested in improving documentation.

We have a limited amount of funding to provide honorariums in support of this work. We expect to support about 60-70 hours in total.


Interested contributors are expected to possess skills and experience in:

  • digital preservation
  • born-digital records
  • an understanding of and experience working with the Bagit specification
  • experience manipulating data in an archives or library setting (spreadsheets definitely count)

Preferred contributors would have experience in:

  • Creating and managing email exports
  • Processing email archives

We strongly encourage self-nominations from individuals who identify with underrepresented and/or marginalized populations, including those not well-represented within libraries, archives, or technology (e.g. women, people of color, LGBTQ+, ability/disability, non-binary gender identities, etc.) We also encourage applications from members of underrepresented and/or marginalized groups that don’t fit into the categories listed above.

Application Process

Applications will consist of:

  • An existing CV or resume
  • A paragraph stating the area(s) or issue(s) your interested in contributing to and your overall interest in the project. We expect this to be about 200 words.

Interested applicants should complete the application form and email a CV or resume to gwiedeman [at] albany [dot] edu.