Historic Sports Racer

Welcome to the home of California’s Classic Sports Racing Group (CSRG) Race Group 4. This is home to under 2-liter sports racing cars, Group 4 will now feature two classes, for over and under 2-liter sports racing cars as featured in the UNITED STATES ROAD RACING CHAMPIONSHIP that ran from 1963 to 1968.

CSRG is the home of so many historically significant race cars from a time where the marques of Lola, Genie, Chaparral, McLaren, Lotus, Beach, Crossle, Merlyn, Brabham, Elva, Bobsy, Leonheart and Porsche filled the pages of race results. Driven by heroes such as JIM HALL, KEN MILES, ROGER PENSKE, AUGIE PABST, CHUCK PARSONS, PEDRO RODRIGUEZ, GEORGE FOLLMER, MARK DONOHUE, LOTHAR MOTSCHENBACHER, BOB BONDURANT, MASTEN GREGORY, JOHN MORTON and countless others, this was the race series of champions.

Many of the magnificent cars featured on this site competed in the original series. Today, racing with CSRG, these cars are speeding projectiles of history from one of the most famous and competitive racing series ever. For more information on the series, explore this site, or contact us