The Texas Tribal Iyanee'/Buffalo Project is a non-profit committed to healing the generational trauma of Lipan Apache descendants and other native nations bordering traditional Lipan Apache ranges.


We as Lipan Apache, NDE. Indigenous to Texas Lands. We acknowledge the UNDRIP STATEMENT “Recognizing the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources,” UNDRIP

“We are excited to be a part of this comeback and able to provide the Iyanee'/bison and products to all native and non-native people in South Texas and other states. These products include frozen meat, hides, skulls and more. We will also be offering cultural and educational tours to educate people about the Iyanee'/bison and the health benefits the meat provides. As well as offer a formal location for spending time with our Iyanee'/Buffalo Relatives.”

—Lucille C.

The American Iyanee'/Bison that once ruled the southern plains and provided Native Americas living in Texas with food, homes, clothing, medicine, tools and many other essentials of living, reached near extinction near the end of the 19th century. Recently, the Iyanee'/Bison have experienced a comeback. For many it is a viable business venture. We are interested in providing a resurgence once again of a native life, that promotes health and vitality to the land they occupy and to the people who utilize their meat and other valuable products. Iyanee'/Bison are inherently indigenous stewards of the land. We will to provide a space where Tribal people living on traditional indigenous Texas Tribal lands, a place to RECONNECT with our Buffalo relatives. Physically, Culturally and more