2023 Career & College Readiness Self-Assessment 👉 Take the 30-question quiz

A Career & College Readiness
Platform for ALL Students

MajorClarity by Paper helps ensure that every student’s education leads to a successful career outcome—whether through a 4-year degree or going into the workforce.

MajorClarity connects career "test-drives" to academic planning and postsecondary decision-making, leading to a 189% increase in students building career-aligned plans of study.

See what districts who switched to MajorClarity are saying:

“It puts students in the driver’s seat. What we like most is the career path simulation activities - this really drives the process in our district. The last program we used had some video and activity content, but not like this… With MajorClarity, they can log in, research, compare, and save postsecondary opportunities—all in one spot.”

Ginger Jones
Director of Counseling

“It’s such a high quality product and it’s more cost-effective. We didn't lose anything we were using before by making the switch—we only gained—and being able to collaborate with the MajorClarity team has been a big advantage over our last program. MajorClarity has truly been a solution provider - not a vendor, but a solution provider.”

Bobby Morris
Director of College & Career Readiness

“Our previous platform really just felt like one more thing teachers and students had to do. MajorClarity is so user-friendly and such a useful tool. To be working with a vendor where it's so apparent they want to get it right is something we have really enjoyed.”
Brian Davis
Director of CTE


Unify Counseling & CTE to Serve All Students Equitably

  • One-of-a-kind career readiness content
  • Seamless academic and course planning
  • Streamlined postsecondary exploration and application tools
  • Work-based learning tracking tools
  • Competency-based Micro-Credentials
See the platform in action!

Conquer the Classroom Every Day!

  • 70+ ready to use lesson plans for teachers, including mapping CCR lessons to subject areas
  • Automated analytics and reporting for school leaders
  • Streamlined communication and messaging tools for counselors
  • User-guides for students, parents, staff, and more
Explore our resources

Hear from our partners on why MajorClarity is "the best CCR platform, at the best price, with the best service."

Learn More

See why our partners are saying MajorClarity is "the best CCR platform, at the best price, with the best service!"
See the platform in action